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Everything posted by GTAMADDOG

  1. Nice way of advertising how much you would like to get mugged by someone in the street. It's hardly inconspicuous. And if you're only going to use it at home, what's the point? Just use a laptop or PC.
  2. Fair enough. I just checked the website I last looked at the HD5*** series on and they seemed to have dropped the prices alot since I last looked.
  3. Depending on the length of the number plate in-game I might use my real car's registration. Yeh, some really deep thought put into that idea. Or G7A M4D. Can't use GT4 M4D (which was my original idea) because it makes it look like I really like Gran Turismo 4.
  4. Honestly, if the game included some nice cars from the 70's, 80's and possibly 90's which weren't supercars I'd probably end up driving them more than the super cars. I've played so many games with the latest super cars in them and to be honest I'm getting pretty bored of driving them, they drive and look the same in every game. For me vehicle variety is a must have in this game.
  5. It all depends what you're willing to pay. Your processor might bottleneck the performance of the computer if you buy a really high end graphics card, but this should only really be noticeable if you play games at lower resolutions, the more you make your graphics card work the less bottlenecking there should be. If you think your processor is still bottlenecking the performance too much you could try overclocking it. Just don't go overboard with overclocking and it would be advised to fit an after market cooler to the processor if you were going to overclock it because the stock Intel one's fail. If I still had £150 I'd be looking at an ATI HD4890. They seem like a complete bargain to me. Nvidia need to sort their pricing out with it's rivals, although with the new series of Nvidia cards being talked about the prices of the 4890 rivals may take a hit. The ATI HD5*** series cards seem well over priced in my opinion, too.
  6. Moving away from the car theme for a bizzle. Just Cause 2, y0: Durrr, my wheel got shot, y0: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/94562767-4.jpg Durrr, I am Lost Island, y0: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/94973092-4.jpg Durrr, I am a Regime Changer, y0: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/95276317-4.jpg Durrr, I has a reptile instead of a Parrot, y0!: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/95276447-4.jpg Durrr, I has nuclear weapon fail, y0: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/95277010-4.jpg
  7. Wow, nice. Front wheel drive versus rear wheel drive cars. Don't tease me with the possibility of... I won't mention it. Thanks for sharing the article.
  8. Considering the car behind the Veyron is a BMW 3-Series with British licence plate I'd assume the person lives in the UK. I posted at 6PM GMT shortly after the 'April Fools' post. I don't understand how you can live in four different locations around the World at the same time, either. Have fun in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
  9. Lame. I was gonna ask for a spin in it, y0. Oh lawl, posted after 12pm. Durrr hurrr.
  10. Either of the Peugeots would be fine. The Xsara, also. The Peugeot 306 will have lift-off oversteer too, but it shouldn't be that much of a problem, if it's semi-serious rallying the suspension will be changed slightly anyway otherwise your car wont last two minutes. If you can't handle lift-off oversteer I'd say you're in the wrong profession if you're doing rallying. Harsh, but you should be prepared for anything. The choices after those would be a Corolla or Micra. I've seen a few E30 BMW's rallying but I'd prefer it if one was saved from a rough end to it's life. I wouldn't take a second look at the rest of them.
  11. I'm sorry, but £34K for a Ford Focus is beyond madness. No amount of boy-racer styling and torque steer can justify paying £34K for a Ford Focus. I can think of much better things to spend my invisible money on. In all honesty I don't really like the look of it either.
  12. One that doesn't produce some sort of fault after a year or two so that I don't need to waste my time sending it off when it shouldn't have gone wrong in the first place.
  13. What a beast of a song. I always end up pretending I can drum along to it.
  14. I can agree on the electrical problems on the 306 but the mechanicals seem fine. My air bag warning light begins to flash about 10 minutes into a journey even though the airbags and all of their connections are perfectly fine. My speedo/rev counter and mileage readout sometimes decide they don't want to work for a while when I start the car but have always burst back into life about 5 minutes into a journey, although they haven't done it since the weather has got warmer. Then my air-conditioning seems to like to decide when it wants to come on without consulting me, not sure if it's meant to do that or not. Other than that, top notch. Lol.
  15. http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/Photo0615.jpg Crap picture, I know. Taken with my mobile phone. It's an Audi R8 if you can't tell, white with black wheels. Mmmmmm...
  16. I guess I should add Just Cause 2 to my list seeing as I got it today. The next game I get will be Mafia 2. Then (hopefully) that's it until TDU2.
  17. Bought Battlefield: Bad Company 2 on the weekend. That and Supreme Commander + Forged Alliance are the only games I've bought since making my list.
  18. Here's some really boring tat I took photographs of over the Winter months. Didn't bother getting many pictures because the weather makes me sad-face. The Stig helmet money bank, y0!: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/P1000754.jpg Random dead plant: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/P1000735.jpg Random dead plant: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/P1000726.jpg Random dead plant: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/P1000725.jpg It's only a Poxhall Nova, no V8 porn, sorry: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/P1000723.jpg My lazy-man's attempt at that water droplet stuff. I don't have the equipement or patience to do it properly: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/P1000719.jpg (It's a bowl full of water on the kitchen table up against a wall) My cat being a typical PITA by sitting in my parcel shelf after I cleaned the car out, resulting in fur all over the interior: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/P1000700.jpg http://s181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/?action=view&current=P1000754.jpg]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/P1000754.jpg I fell asleep making the post. I hope it didn't send you to sleep, too.
  19. If I'm honest, if TDU2 did include every day cars I'd probably find myself driving them more than the super-cars and hyper-cars. It would be nice to finally have some every day cars in a game, especially a game such as this. A 306 S16 would go down a treat for me, anyway.
  20. Lol, I saw this a few days ago on the Overclockers UK forum. It was relatively unknown at the time, though. That's for sure. I saw a listing like that the other week to do with a blue Nissan Micra. The person's listing made them seem like a person who'd gone completely off the rails. I recall sentence saying; "It'll be sad to see the car go because the ginger haired boy from next door will no longer be able to hide inside my car from all of the rabbits" Or something to that effect. The questions and answers made little more sense, too. No where near the scale of publicity as this but I found it ammusing.
  21. I could live with it. If I'm going that fast to somehow get confused which paddle is the right indicator then I'm obviously going to fast or being too reckless to need to bother indicating. If it turns out to be that much hassle then I'll just use two of the eight (Twelve if you count the D-Pad) buttons on the G25 gear shifter. I couldn't justify spending yet more money on a simple little gimmick that I'm almost sure to get fed up of using sooner rather than later.
  22. If I'm being honest I was starting to quite like the hatchback shape. Obviously it's not as good as the saloon version but the more aggressively styled hatchbacks were growing on me. This looks promising, though.
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