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Mielie_NL last won the day on January 30 2012

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  1. The main website is back online again, the forum isn't though. I'll try the game right away ;-) edit: nope...not yet.
  2. Hmmz, I just downloaded the new build (including the new tracks w00t!) But it looks like the server is down, even the website is inaccessible.
  3. I like that. A lot. ;-) Is that first one at Hatzenbach (Nordschleife) btw?
  4. Pretty cool news this week, especially the Loire bit. ;-) It's starting to look extremely good.
  5. Pretty cool news this week, especially the Loire bit. ;-) It's starting to look extremely good.
  6. SCS Software's blog: ETS2 Skills
  7. SCS Software's blog: Industrial cooperation
  8. @Paradox, that pic in the park looks quite good! -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- My new Prancing Horse. As you can see: aggressively awesome :p
  9. Renault Premium The SCS devs are unstoppable:taz: Hopefully they haven't forgot about working on the game itself....
  10. Yup...that's true xD Although I live in the south of Holland, and the rest of Holland calls us backup Germans :-) Glad you liked the vid, any criticism?
  11. That Volvo! Brilliant :-) I recorded this video last week, cool car that Abarth. And a nice growl.
  12. If we only could import this map into TDU1 with all of it's features...That'd be brilliant. Cruising through the Alps towards the channel tunnel.:thumbsup: With a stop at the Nordschleife (imported from GTR Evo) Now thát would be a Gumball cruise:lol:
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