Racers HArdware migth smile about this thread when he sees it. So far i think he did the best 997 GT2 for TDU. I see a 959 in the list, that is very nice and kind, i belive it suits lovely together next to the F40 people could reimitate the first Test Drive game then, where there was the Duel between F40 and 959 (that like ages ago). For myself. I think a ultimative Porsche collection is only then complet if there a 911 GT1 street in the collection (of what ever evolution stage) But I think there no game that has a decdent model inside avalible that any converter could use here. And befor Tool going to explode in anger. I do not make a request to him to make a 911 GT1. I just gave my thougth about the topic. In anycase intressting idea to collect all Porsche mods inside one thread. People wont get lost that quick.