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Everything posted by Reilsss

  1. Why do you not convert the reventon on the Countach File, And use after that the TDU MAP Tool to enlarge the file size from the Murcielago Coupe to the of the COuntach. I just enlarged the Mercedes CLK GTR Audio File to the size of the Mercedes SL65 AMG one and everything works very easy... In face this MAP Tool using was VERY easy, onces you found out the file Ids or # ids. I could help you on this part. or Djey as he made the tool.
  2. Allrigth I see you on in messanger then I guess about the car. For the dashboard. TDU does not support digital gauges. We see that on some cars specialy the Cien. So I suggest you, sinces the Reventon dash as the aircraft setting is, will never ever work in tdu, you can go and use the orginal speedometer as a template on that you can try to draw the car mode. Or what maybe work even better is when you try go ahead and convert the tdu murcie dash into a lp640 dash. how ever you try the dailers should or need to be analog because digitals don't work.
  3. Ok I reduce me, while i wrote my guess you just realsed the guess object. making my post useless. Form what I see it is the mesh of CTR's Reventon I belive. If that should be the case, I dunno but maybe my reventon could help for some detail stuff. Sinces it is the evolution of CTR's model. (He asked me to optimize and finish it. what I did and came up with a whole new dash (dashview detailed one) and so. But it maybe not CTR's althougth i think it is.
  4. I first thougth the shapes fit to a Lamborghini Gallardo car, the headligths in the pics, the signals etc are in rigth place. But then there is this Murcielago opend airintake shadow on the tunnel one, that does not fit a gallardo. It also can't be a Ferrari sinces for that its not round enogth. So sinces you alread annonched gallardos and a diablo this could only be a reventon if it is a Lambo. But I actually doubt that it is that car. Why? Well you sayed that you don't want to convert a car from somebody else. Because you wanted to do this project ALL alone. Converting as example my reventon or basbas reventon would force you to ask for a permission and that would brake your indepences from doing this car pack alone. And yet there is on game that has a reventon inside by stock, maybe the upcomming NFS Underground does but its not realsed yet. So I doubt that its that one. because of those infos you told me. maybe it could be that SSC Ultimate Aero car be. It has a very familar shape to a Diablo but then I doubt it is that one. All this makes me unsure. Shapewise it maybe a Bugatti EB110 too but it does not have spiky side airintakes as a Muricelago does....
  5. This is a cheat simply, and it is not new. there where money cheats befor. the only good thing is that when you hex edit your savegame the checksum gets wrong, and as a result of this the game will automatical ban you from the tread system in online gaming. The game is quite easy to earn money, there so many hinds out there how to get legelly easy money. Beside that people should know that they have to backup the savegame. it was mentoned as often as savegame crash reports. those that did not lissen and never made backups are fault by themself.
  6. The only two games that have the CCGT I know are, GRID and GTR Evolution. Now GTR Evo has textured doorlines i think so it drops out of choose. And I don't know if there is a GRID filter for ZMod yet to get the mesh. But on the alternative side you could at last go ahead and add a such spoiler to the CCR car to come somewhere 'close' and or to simulate a yet not exsisting CCGT Road car version.
  7. I know somebody who modeled the car nicely but i don't know if he would give permission. But for those that want to seek, his name would be Venom 800TT or just Venom
  8. When somebody does it, I think it would be the best if you replace the Gallardo SE. 1. We have 2 Coupes sinces the Mega Pack 2. The SE has the Glass Engine Cover that you Need for a SuperLegera 3. The Interior is all done and all ready, and it looks diffrent from a normal Gallardo (collored bits etc.) 4. You just add the spoiler to the car. 5. If somebody does the Superlegegera, on the SE he just change the material of the Black roof and black car parts back to car color.. And uh if I could request something, can somebody please make a version where the engine cover is car color too please? Ok you miss the vinyl on the side but i can live with that. And it would be more of a choose that way as doing it on the roadster. If you do it there you have the problem that the dashboard is all weird sicnes the Coupe coupe has a roof, the roadster do not.
  9. would it be possible when the diablo VT becomes its typical rear spoiler? http://www.fiberglassproducts.de/images/1Lamborghini_Diablo_VT.jpg if not no problem. Looks nice so far. And If i maybe ask. what does the Diablo Replace ?
  10. just install your savegamebackup
  11. TVR Cebera 4.5 TVR Cebera Speed Twelfe TVR Tuscan Speed Six TVR Tuscan Hardtop others i don't know but it has to be a TVR sinces your lotus hindes the view 100% to any tvr. But i think it should be a Cebera. Popular car that also fits nicely in this game.
  12. Question for Djey: When you do this BNK Mapping for a addoncar, do you only need to map it on your PC and pass files or stuff with you? Or does every user need to remap his files ?? If so this could be become complex for end users I think?
  13. I think you have the best gallardo sound avalible from everybody in the community. I enjoyed your old version but this is even closer I think. P.s. for those that do not know all three gallardos can use the same sound bnk file without problems. they all exactly same size
  14. Hello cd300m02, I like to invite you to join TDU Addons, not only because we could host all your files for free, but also because you do great work for TDU.

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  15. Hello BasBas, I like to invite you to join TDU Addons, not only because we could host all your files for free, but also because you do great work for TDU.

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  16. That LP640 looks really nice in there, it just need some textures now. But its very nice mesh import, I think the best sofar from any that basbas had done. Respect!
  17. Sligth Question for the Lamborghini: Sinces the Ingame murcielago is familar to the Lp640 one, why not using the ingame car as measurement for the parts, So they are same large and can in the end replace the mucielago coupe ? On that way you have a nice interior still and probally not a to big hassel with the textures when you can use some orginal onces ?? I look forward for the Lp640, when it replaces the normal one I migth try it out when it has textures and stuff like the orginal one.
  18. McLaren F1 GTR Longtail Spoiler Request / Question Hello all, I saw people adding a Spoiler to the Nissan Skyline and Audi TT befor, so I got he idea to modificate the McLaren F1 GT (Longtail) into a McLaren F1 GTR (longtail), this means basical that its only nessery to add a backspoiler to the car. My question so would be, How to do it? or Who to ask to do it? Here a photo of how a F1 GTR Longtail looks like its really just the spoiler that needs to be added:
  19. That is jsut impossible to do, A muricelago looks noting like a Reventon from the mesh, changing the skin of the ligths does not really help in any case sinces the car is still a murcie not a reventon.
  20. I think its bit difficult to understand the description as "not german" as its like just half translated? For the mod self I tend to stay silent for good reason.
  21. Would it be in that way possible to draw new forest roads into the ocean of green ? to get a few new offroad tracks to bumb around on ??? Like just coloring what there is blue and red to something brown (like forest ways natrually are)
  22. maybe this is a nice Idea for the McLaren F1 GTr / LM Rims: http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii210/ca441970/mclaren_f1_10.jpg
  23. Request: Bugfixing Car Gasonlin tap Hi, I didn't see somehthing like a genral Request threat on this forum. And in the german forum did nobody take care for this. But maybe here has somebody intresses. We all know that some car have white lines alorn the gasolin tap/opener, no matter what bodycolor the car is painted. Good examples for cars that have this bug: are Ford Mustang GT coupe (Mustang GT Convertible has not this bug for odd reason), the Jaguar XK models as well as the Pontiac GTO. There more cars that suffer with this problem but not all cars in TDU. I guess the problem is a messed up texture fromt he global's / common car textures. So I wonder if it possible to fix the line coloring (probally a alpha channel is wrong) So the car have the line in car color. (best example is to compare the two Mustangs. the Convertible is how it should be, the Coupe is how its bugged up) I would warmly welcome it when somebody could try some, I have experinces with sounds but not with the texture stuff.
  24. No offences there but it would have been great if you had the balls to give me credits for creating that color list... Orginal can be found here: http://tdu.gameprophets.com/forum/thread.php?threadid=10810
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