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Everything posted by hpluls

  1. Congrats to Penfold for winning! :) Week 50 Rules: Photo MUST be taken by you. No Voting for yourself! Photos should be within the limits, which means - not bigger than 350 kb. The winner chooses the next week's theme. If someone wins twice in a row, the person they voted for chooses the next theme. If you post more than one photo, you must tell us which one you'll enter with. If you don't, the first photo that you've posted will be entered. Photos cannot be used twice for two different subjects. Your photo must follow the theme. The person who chose the theme has ultimate control over whether a photo gets entered or not - there will be no arguing over whether a photo is acceptable. Basic photoshopping is allowed, such as resizing, brightness, contrast, selective coloring, saturation, cropping, hue, B&W, noise reduction, borders, your name/logo etc. No pasting extra objects to the photo, changing backgrounds etc, as that's not what PhOTW is about. This week's theme: Purple (main subject) Closing Date : Friday, 15th October Entrants: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
  2. I don't have high hopes for WRC 2010... Milestone only seems to be good at bike simulators, their car games so far have been rather mediocre IMO.
  3. :bump: Congrats Penfold! :D
  4. No, you're not :p The closest I've gotten to "playing with fire" was putting Conte wood-free pencils against a lightbulb, so that they would melt, producing lots of smoke. Pathetic, I know, but was fun :p
  5. The GT I'm guessing, seeing as the GT-R is neither a Ford nor a V8. EDIT: Ninja'd >.<
  6. Congrats to Mb and Revan174 for winning :) Car Modification Of The Week: Week 21 Rules: The car must be tuned by you. No voting for yourself come poll day. The cars are to come from any game with a tuning feature). The cars must follow the theme. Only one car can be submitted per person, but a person can submit up to 3 photos of the same car. The cars must be modded using in-game tuning features. No photoshopping allowed (apart from resizing, cropping, your name/logo, brightness/contrast). Usual forum image rules apply (no more than 800x640 and 350 KB). Cars cannot be used twice for two different subjects. The winner chooses the next theme by PM-ing me. If one person wins twice in a row, the person they voted for chooses the next theme. This week's themes: Ford and Cars with V8s (that were originally produced with them). Closing Date: Tuesday 12th October 2010
  7. I believe you have to ask an admin or a super moderator. Nice pic btw ;)
  8. Congrats to SuperVeloce and myself for winning :p Photoshop Tuning Of The Week: Week 44 Entry This Week's Themes: Entrants: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Rules: 1. Use whatever program you want to. 2. No voting for yourself come poll day! 3. Must be modded by you. 4. Mod the main subject, don't replace with another car etc. 5. Winner gets a cookie and chooses next week's theme. 6. If one person wins twice in a row, the one they voted for chooses the next week's theme. 7. Entries must be less than 350kb in filesize! 8. If you wish to change your entry, please just edit your original post and replace the old pic with your new one. Closing Date: Monday 11 / 10
  9. Hello, I'm from Poland as well ;) Welcome to TDU:C!
  10. Congrats Tim! :D Also thanks to everyone who voted for me. ;)
  11. Oh noes! I tried really hard to destroy the "You last visited" thing and Scoob's sig, but the dang things wouldn't blow up :p
  12. Awesome work on both the Jeep and the 'Stang ;) Is that Z4 yours too?
  13. At first glance I thought it was a Ferrari behind it in the 2nd pic :eek: Nice truck though.
  14. 2007? The page says it's an '02... :confused:
  15. zo6dude gets my vote. Thanks TomRS and Metalshredder :D
  16. And I thought I lived in the middle of nowhere... :cheeky:
  17. This week's theme was: Brooding. No voting for yourself, you'll be disqualified if you do so. Entrants: 1. t. 2. Mb 3. zo6dude 4. hpluls 5. Destroyer-GT 6. Variodical -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- 7. GTAMADDOG http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/P1010511.jpg 8. Penfold
  18. I'm going to enter this: http://otomoto.pl/bmw-850-C13527659.html
  19. It's just a popular range of processors, nothing amazing about that IMO.
  20. Welcome back, I remember you from Atari US ;) My name on there used to be HappyTreeFriend.
  21. They don't look like the ones that were thrown into the river...
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