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Posts posted by TDUZoqqer

  1. Damn, took me forever to find this thread again.


    So I had some free time to finish the exterior on my Mercedes-AMG (Project) One model




    I now realize, the designers took this "mad face look" three steps too far. I can't take that front end serious, looks like a Hotwheels car now :lol:

  2. Looks promising so far. I only gonna judge the physics model as it was your main target.


    First of all, I got the feel the suspension is too soft. According to what is visible from the outside view and bonnet view. Feels a bit too GTA4ish to me personally. I'm pretty sure the suspension of a 4 series is way firmer than the one on a Corvette C3 :)


    Second, which is bothering me even more, for some reason the whole driving feels really slow. Looking at the speedo you going 130 at 6k rpm feels like you are in first gear driving 30. Had the same feel with TDU. I don't know why.


    There are some graphics aspecs I would concider fixing, but it's not the time to point that out as it's an Alpha :)


    E: 250 km/h in this Peugeot? :D This must have been a twin turbo mega sleeper

  3. Can you still get in trouble for using real cars though since you did not make any profit on this project?


    not when you don't share it commercially. eg. when you don't monetize your game whatsoever. Which would mean you would have to upload it to a hoster which don't have any advertisements. (Google Drive, Dropbox). On the other hand people might fine you for using their 3D models when you didn't do them yourself but rather have them from a game (forza, need for speed etc).

  4. point 0: the forum is not the most alive ever. My thread also just gets replied by 2-3 people. You're 4 years too late for insane engagement :lol:

    1: ok didn't know there won't be real cars, sorry. Just seen the SV Lambo and as I have a good comparisment in real life, also with my TDU mods, I could see some things off. Nevermind then when it won't be in the future versions.

    2: okay got you. Similar to what I'm doing :)

    3: sure thing. I just try to make everything really pretty for a demo. That's why mine is delayed for two months now :D especially for a video the esthetics count more than physics, as you can cheat on physics in a video a bit, not on the UI tho.

    4: well I just pointed out how we tend to stick to perfectionizing the things we personally like, eventho surely nobody will take care of in the final release if they didn't know about it. Eg my ultra configurateable and real life accurate license plates.

  5. Okay its really promising so far :) just please do me a favor: please please pretty please take your time and work on the individual car Details. Like individual tire and wheels sizes, body height, and especially materials. I like how it looks like so far and I know that it takes some time to take on those Details, but many people I know, me included wont be Entertained by a car game if the looks are amazing and physics is bad, or vice versa. The details are key. Also point 2 is, please get rid of the default User Interface you have at the Moment and take your day or two to design a good looking, coorparate designed one. It adds so much to the game!


    Ps: in my opinion all this tuning goes really far, with optical tuning Channing behaviour and stuff, So far that I dont belive i will use so much in the actual game.



    ... Okay, that being said by someone who Programmed license plates for a month straight :hmm: nevermind :lol:

  6. I would like to contribute my part to this but this is very Future talk for me we have here. I first have to finish my UI logics for the Demo before actually loose a single thought about sharing oportunities. I am sure the other guys are a little more progressed than me so i let them Go before me. I will come back at it when I am somewhere near first release

  7. Damn, didn't know you model it yourself. I see a lot of things to improve in the 3D model in terms of real time optimization, but when it works good in the game, I can not complain :)


    BTW I realized some days ago that it was you who I looked the polycount thread of with the topic of rain shaders. At the end I will just try to reproduce the way rFactor did it. I belive the solution with the blob meshes isn't the most efficient one.

  8. Nice! Gonna follow the thread now.


    The more I read your thread, the more I doubt if you are me... are you me? :D We kinda generally think just the same about the reason of our projects (TDU) and the stuff like that!! BTW, that is why I used a pre-made physics engine for my own video game!

    Hah, I am just an overenthusiastic piece of garbage who tries stuff he is not able to make :lol: But I guess as I have some knowledge about my project physics in particular, I will redo the physics from ground on one day or another. Or when the dude I watched the tutorials at releases his physics on the marketplace finally, I will get it, too. I perfer first, though.


    Although I recommend C# instead of visual scripting, Alles sieht gut aus!

    Visual scripting is literal cancer. But I can't write code. At my work we all use Unity and I can't help because neither I use Unity nor can I code. lmao.

  9. Just because I randomly create new features I think are quite cool, I will post this little update:


    rims with weighted center caps eg. Rolls-Royce are now a thing. Took me way too long to figure out how to do that, but it works. It's pretty similar to how Need for Speed Underground 2 handled spinner wheels, just with a slight tweak.


    Note to myself: I hate physics.


    E: I abandoned this, though, as the engine has a bug in the way I place down the caps. So it's either not attached to the wheel (falls off the wheel) or the position is very laggy when car is moving. This bug exists since unreal engine 4.7 or so, which is 13 versions ago, so I doubt it will be fixed any time soon.


    E2: found a workaround. works now. Although it's not the most elegant and efficient solution ever.

  10. Just wanted to give you a sneak peak behind the scenes.


    This is a function I was working and (I think) just finished.



    This is the logics behind selecting a bodykit. Just selecting. Like, when you hover over a button this bodykit contains, without applying. "previewing" the bodykit before you purchase it. This badboy took me some day, a lot of nerves and even more coffee and cigarettes to complete. Who would have thought developing games is so difficult :lol: Just showing you so you won't be mad at me for not releasing 4 days ago. Sorry :D


    PS: Before real game developers show up and tell me "hurr durr I would have make it in 2 hrs EZ". First of all, I am not a developer, I am a designer. I work visually by profession, and visual everything, that's how I spent my last 10 years with. Second, yes I know for such big tasks you better write code than visual scripting. But I don't know c++ so I develop all in blueprints eventhough it's not the best solution.


    Graphics looks neato right now. I'm confident to have the graphics and environment setup done in a short time. Also I am working on the pause menue with settings right now, still a lot to do, but that's basically the last major menue to be created from scratch. Still have bugs here and there, but I'm on it.

  11. Hello, small update time.


    I keep it short as there is still a lot to do:

    out of the 4 main customization panels of the demo, two are working 90%, one is not connected yet and one remains to be made. One of the "nicely progressed" panels has 3 logics issues left, although they aren't quite easy and require some time for a workaround. I'm on it. The second is mainly UI. The wheel panel still needs the sync buttons, but it's quite easy to do. The suspension tune menue will be made when the rest is finished, otherwise it won't make sense.


    The not-connected panel needs tweaks in the main car file so this will have to wait till the end. Also, this one needs some extra logics for some circumstances, this will be literal nightmare to do.


    Graphics looks very good (in my opinion). A lot is still dependent on me modeling the environment, for which I have no idea what it should be hah. This will come after the logics and UI of the menue is done. I won't post any pictures of the ingame graphics till the release so you won't be spoiled :D


    Controls are working 98%. Some little tweaks here and there left. Keyboard and controller both supported now.


    I hope to have the demo done this year. Most likely it will be the 31st of December, but still :D



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