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Every time I go to play the game it tells me my game has references to DLC that cannot be found, or something to that effect. The solution is to just redownload one of the items and it seems to just reset and work fine. I am just wondering if any of you have encountered this and if there is a way to avoid this annoyance.


side note, i noticed in my console memory that there are 2 game saves and both were saved at the same time with only a few seconds difference.


I am wondering if this has something to do with it or if one of the saves is the one my friend wrote over when he started a new game by mistake?


I had that same problem when I downloaded the DLC's through the dashboard a few years back.


Instead, I deleted all of the DLC and downloaded it though the game in my house. It fixed it because I've yet to have that problem again.


the translation of that particular message is that your game save has dlc cars saved on it and the license issues with the game is preventing your profile from accessing them properly.

so your 360 thinks the dlc is missing.


the best way to fix the issue is to make sure all your dlc licenses are up to date.

to do this you need to make sure the serial number of your 360 is the one saved on your profile.

how do you check?

go here:



basically the whole thing is microsofts veiled admission that their machines keep melting...

The two saves are normal. Have you got a new Xbox (either bought or replaced by MS) since you downloaded the DLC?


yeah I had them replace it twice then said screw it and bought an elite a little over a year ago.


I had that same problem when I downloaded the DLC's through the dashboard a few years back.


Instead, I deleted all of the DLC and downloaded it though the game in my house. It fixed it because I've yet to have that problem again.


I will have to try this one out. thanks!

the translation of that particular message is that your game save has dlc cars saved on it and the license issues with the game is preventing your profile from accessing them properly.

so your 360 thinks the dlc is missing.


the best way to fix the issue is to make sure all your dlc licenses are up to date.

to do this you need to make sure the serial number of your 360 is the one saved on your profile.

how do you check?

go here:



basically the whole thing is microsofts veiled admission that their machines keep melting...


that is interesting. Seems to me that I would still have to have the old console, which I do not :(



Thanks for all the help guys! :cheers:


I had the same problem when I had my Xbox fixed. I transferred all the licenses over and it still wouldn't work. I used to have to delete DLC #6 and Hardcore mode and download them just before playing the game.


But then I made a new hard drive and edited the DLC files on my PC and it works most of the time now. It did take a long time to do though and you do need to take the hard drive to pieces.

Seems to me that I would still have to have the old console, which I do not :(


Not sure you do, the website knows the serial of the old console and you just need the new serial. However if you have downloaded DLC on more than just your first Xbox and the one you have now it might get messy.


looks like you were right about transferring the licenses. the problem appear to be resolved! :thumbsup:


big thanks for all the help. now I can enjoy the game hassle free!!! :excited:


i've had tonnes of these conversations over the years so here's a few check points for anyone having issues:

1. is your machines serial number up to date on xbox live? if not use the lcense migration tool listed.

2. is all of your dlc up to date? delete then re-download to be sure

3. may strike you as bizarre but sometimes dlc is not accessed if it is stored on a seperate device like an mu for example. move all tdu files to the same location if possible.


tdu is a particularly picky game save - be carefull with it.

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