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Everything posted by Eudemon

  1. Really? People actually own PS3's? :p
  2. Updated with 2 new videos of a crazy dogfight using the F22-A Raptor, this was a request from youtube and I had this video on my computer for a while so decided to encode it and upload it. Enjoy !
  3. Hi there Adonire, welcome to the boards, good to have you with us especially at these turbulent times when milk costs so much nowadays.
  4. Welcome DN to TDUc, please keep your ears inside the forum at all times and watch for Gerry the tackling alzheimers patient.
  5. Haha that was when I used to play Forza 2 often and we were doing stock car racing as in standard from the showroom not that crappy kind and well the host was an Aussie and we had a vicious lag spike, funny as hell at the time.
  6. It's the RUF Rturbo mate, I think it says it in the credits at the end of pt 2.
  7. Only put the part after 'v=' in between the [ tube ][ /tube ] tags. ;)
  8. I just added another video to the top post, just listen to that thing purrrrrr. :D
  9. Hey Happy Birthday mate, hope you had a great day and some eggs.
  10. I have magical powers. :D Seriously though it involves some hardware and software: http://forum.turboduck.net/showthread.php?t=337
  11. Eudemon


    Makes sense, see what the others say about it.
  12. Hey there Nonyabusiness, I mean Nontas, welcome to Cooking with Phil, I'm your host Greg.
  13. You don't know me that well do you? :oook: :D
  14. Hey WoLF goto User CP, Edit Profile and enter your Live tag mate. That's the easiest way to show it off. :D
  15. Boootiful car and if anyone can make a diesel sportscar it's got to be Audi, strange and brilliant they missed that gearstick though. Ze Germans vill not be happy !
  16. I'll raise you some amazing Scottish B-roads near Loch Lomond, honestly only that place that Top Gear showed beats it !
  17. You've got to remember US roads are mainly flat and straight, hence why we hardly see these in Europe unless they are branded by a company and lugging something along, it's different strokes for different folks. Myself personally see no point in it but then I like my cars to handle and give good response and feedback back to the driver making you confident when thrashing it!
  18. Yeah that makes sense but I wouldn't essentially mention who told you it was fine to do so, just say it's fine as long as it's not posted on the Official forums.
  19. Basically a dumb comment or action done in that week by a member runs them a nomination for being a Total Nugget for that duh! moment and if it's deemed the most IQ reducing happening of the week then that member will become Nugget of the Week.
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