"We've never been shy about our affection for Logitech's G25 and G27 steering wheels, and now we can share our love with our friends of the Xbox 360 persuasion. With the brand new F-1 converter from XCM, die hard Xbox 360 and Xbox 360 Slim fans can get behind the same wheels we've been behind since 2006. If that wasn't reward enough, the F-1 also sports a built-in combo-attack memory function for fighting games, and rumble support is baked in for good measure. So go ahead, ye of the XBox 360 ilk, plug her in, caress the contours of her beautiful leather-wrapped curves, feel the way she kicks -- we'll try not to get jealous. Video game voyeurs can check out the F-1 in action after the jump."
XCM's F-1 Converter lets XBox 360 players get behind G25, G27 racing wheels (video) -- Engadget