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Everything posted by Ozzmcom

  1. yes remarkable indeed. They had to wait for 39 years for the next fly-by mission in the outter solar system. Shame this mission was active before pluto was denounced as a planet. Come to think of it they might have never bothered with it in the first place if they knew how insignificant it was next to all the other flying little rocks. But nevertheless amazing achievement. Also shame that the whole makind takes credit for it when really it's made possible by a handful of great people.
  2. I guess we're not gonna talk about new horizons
  3. your definition of good is taco bell? oh dear oh dear ... :cheeky:
  4. it was indeed, I do need more money to try out the remaining handful of cars though. Is there a glitch or something? what's the easiest way ?
  5. yeah hopefuly after the big dlc there will be some changes. They promised a drift spec, right now you can't even get a wheel spin with the most powerful cars let alone drifting, so there has to be some changes.
  6. even with the dlc cars the list is not that good. But it does have the best map for a driving game. Just a shame the driving itself isn't fun.
  7. yes that brings up another point. It's absolutely absurd they charge money for it.
  8. yep of course the xblive servers are broken right after the update. We tried to play with hassan yesterday and here's how it went, 10 mins of gameplay and 1.5 hours of waiting in lobbies and disconnections. Seriously I've had it with this shoddy network service I've never seen anything worse. People say PC is buggy and has problems I tell you it's NOTHING next to xbox.
  9. [ATTACH]23765[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]23766[/ATTACH]
  10. it's just spiders taking over the land
  11. [ATTACH]23755[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]23756[/ATTACH] ps4 has the worst photo export system I've ever seen.
  12. I own one and I wouldn't say it's the best out there. I'd prefer g25 over it for a start but anyway, it's a good wheel. Probably the best for its price range. No compatibility with next gen consoles though so I would wait for the new g920.
  13. you can never trust em with anything, I've tried to do many with randoms they're such a pain. I think the last time I did a heist with randoms was we were doing the pacific standard finale, we got into the boat for the last escape and the guy driving the boat got out started shooting the boat and destroyed it. GTA is such a great game but the fanbase is just so retarded
  14. no one plays with me and heisting with randoms? forget it. I'd rather have aids. It's hard to believe gathering around 4 people that play the game consistently is the most difficult thing in the world. I've done a few heists but they're just not worth the time if you don't have a team or your team is not good enough. You can make the same amount of money by playing contact missions.
  15. look at all the things I cannot buy It says 'time to spend all that money we've earned from heists' WHAT MONEY?
  16. ha no.. even if every single person in EU bought a €5 package it wouldn't be enough to bail greece out.
  17. nope, infact you've earned so much money after some point that I used to get a new car for every race.
  18. I agree nfs does have amazing car sounds, although I'm not so keen on garage space. Especially in a non-open world game it will get so boring.
  19. devs want the moaning though, they create rivalry which pushes stupid people to take sides, create revenue. It's the oldest trick in the cartel book.
  20. 5:36 that's what I wanted to hear. It even uses g27's drivers. Lets see if we can make g27/25 work on the new consoles.
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