I haven't really bought it but I did watch a lot of pre-release vids and read some reviews.
First of all I'm a huge simcity fan, not the fake ones(social,societies etc). I mean the real ones, I must've had over 300 hours (sad) on SC4.
As we know the new simcity is out ;
The problems are to start with, the regions are way to small.
They are a tad smaller than the medium sized maps on SC4.
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Which means no more massive metropolitan cities or varying rural and city regions within the map unlike any past simcities.
Now CD Ocean Quigley did mention :
“We need to keep in mind that Sim City is a mainstream game, it’s not a game that is only going to run on high-end gaming PCs, it has to run in your Dad’s PC as well. That is just a performance decision. Given that was the performance constraint we decided to work under, we built a larger region environment and a bunch of the multiplay to work with 2km cities.”
“We’ll eventually get around to expanding the city size, but I can’t make any promises as to when.”
I never trust anything comes out of EA however there is SOME hope.
Some of the features SC4 had (Subway, Modding etc.) is not on the game, there are some DLC's lined up but for a $60 game you'd expect it would have those features already. Oh well we'll see how it goes for now I'm not buying it.
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