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Status Updates posted by WiLL_09

  1. :rolleyes: :cool:

  2. Have a Good day ok ;}

  3. Hey CF,back at you,oh ot too much now days thx ;}

  4. Hey i was here ;) so do you and TW ever talk anymore?

  5. Hey, Kelvjy I was here...I still cant Figure out how to give a Rep Point on this site?? Only on a post Like them stars thing? But how i do Rep on anyone..?

  6. Hi again i think,..? :D

  7. Hi Dutch_ghostrider i Liked your U Tube Vid u posted on the Revention,anyways...Have a Good Weekend,.. :cool:

  8. WiLL_09

    Hi i just walked by is all?.. heh

  9. Hi I made it here,.. Heha? yeppers,.. ;)

  10. Hi i Visited here, i did a U turn ;)

  11. Hi I was Here.......:cool: _ WiLL the Nice Guy :cool:

  12. Hi Mellors, ahh never Mind.. Have a Good Weekend PaL....

  13. Hi so i bet you took my Modder Avitar down huh...Owel..;) Anyways, you tell yourself that, and have a good day dude ;}

  14. How are we able to give One person any Rep Points,.? I havent Learned this yet..Can you let me know in a Positive,way,. Thx ttyl :)

  15. I looked at it an stuff, i just been busy this summer with Life Thx

  16. I Love your Avitar Man.. Heha :cool:

  17. Im just a Newbie that Likes your Name xD

  18. Lets have a Good Week! Now ;}

  19. LoL Mr.Gummybear you made my Night Heha xD

  20. Morning, Buddy...Have a CooL day! yeah i guess Kurgan777 has a Heart after all :lol: was a joke.

  21. My Name is WiLL ok, :mad: :rolleyes: :p

  22. Ok No Problem @ CarFreak...I just got your name Mixed from this other guy we knew..Peace :)

  23. wow i didnt know that thx..Hmm? i hope its a good thing 4 me,.? ;}

  24. Yep Looks nice...Thx dude :}

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