Thank you so much for this! This is a huge milestone in terms of modding TDU. I am SO going to try this out the next chance I get.
I'd +rep, but I think I already gave you rep for something and it won't let me do so again. So, here: :thumbsup:
As a side note:
Does anyone know if stepping HP down will get you kicked? I have a couple more cars I'd like to add, replacing cars more powerful than they are (like a class E replacing a class D or C). If not, ah well, a couple extra HP can't hurt :P
EDIT: Wait, what? It crashes at startup, even though my install directory is not changed and I'm using the US locale. I have, however, installed Patch 1.67D and added names to the database through Djey's tool - will this hinder the tool in any way?
EDIT 2: Reverted to unedited 1.66A database files, didn't help. I'm running Windows XP, and am not going to have "Run as Administrator" problems because this Windows user is an admin. Any help?
EDIT 3: Found the problem. I hadn't installed .NET 3.5 - I only had 2.0 or something. xD Ignore this.