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Everything posted by ScoobSTi

  1. Hey, what are those pictures like this one called? I'm guessing it's a meme, but I've never seen them until you started posting them in the Funny Pictures thread.

    1. I'm still using NetScape 2.0! :(
    2. http://i737.photobucket.com/albums/xx20/ScoobSTi/lol_zpsc902e356.png~original
    3. I'm hidden, you guys can't search me. :cheeky: @Rassva: I used one called TouchWiz 5.0 and it was very nice. @Apu: If two girls mess with your things like that on the next trip, take control of the bus (if it is a bus) and show them a handbrake turn. :nods: :run:
    4. Not my desktop but rather my lock screen. http://i737.photobucket.com/albums/xx20/ScoobSTi/Screenshot_2013-07-10-22-06-57_zps71e10165.png~original
    5. Look to the right of the car in the 4th pic. :p
    6. Parents told me we're all going to London and then Paris! :msuh3: It's only a month away but it seems like forever. :(
    7. Edit: This post is now boring because I can't type all caps. :nods:
    8. tanhk yuo dolan. iz vyry gud!

      1. Tiny bit of NSFW language. (Omegle chat) Over hurr.
      2. Just a reminder to everyone, if you need anything BMW related, just ask Apu and/or Patch. :nods:
      3. :fp2::fp2::fp2::fp2::fp2::fp2::fp2::fp2::fp2::fp2: :fp2::fp2::fp2::fp2::fp2::fp2::fp2::fp2::fp2::fp2:
      4. Maybe you've been working the night shift far too many times? :lol:
      5. By "real world" I meant on the streets. :p I've seen SLSssssssessssssssssssesss and 458s in car shows etc. but not outside having fun. I'd love to drop by CCCM but I have a volunteering job at a hospital and it fills up nearly my entire week.
      6. I see more SLSssesss and 458s than Supras. And I've only seen 1 SLS in the real world. And I've never seen a 458.
      7. *On topic* http://i737.photobucket.com/albums/xx20/ScoobSTi/107410_screenshots_2013-06-27_00005_zps472b88da.jpg~original
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