You guys that aren't in Australia and have UK Top Gear are lucky because since Australia bought the show a couple of years ago, they have made an Australian version (top gear australia) which is an absolute joke. All the presenters are absolute idiots who think they are good at there job and they rely on their trusty script way too much and you can tell what they make up or what is scripted.
I am a really, really huge fan of Top Gear UK and I would hate for it to go but I do't reckon it will. Look at their competitors: fifth gear and all those other ones on youtube. They don't have a hope in hell of being as good as TG. Unlike the others, James, Jeremy and Richard make it much more interesting and entertaining by putting all their effort in and throwing in the frequent laugh. Those three are such a good blend. Wheras TG Aus they have a old and boring trumpeteer, (James Morrison) A young Richard Hammond wanabee that isn't funny (Steve Piziati) and a artisticy guy who i personally don't mind but he is not the right guy to be a TG presenter (Warren Brown?).
I reckon Top Gear (Uk) still has at least 3 years left in it because it is one of the most popular tv shows in history. Look at Itunes for example. I'm not sure if it still is now but about a month ago, All of the series that have been put on Itunes were all in the Top 20 of most downloaded which is impresive. Videos of the show on youtube have 100's of thousands of views at least. Yes they have had a few not that interesting shows but they still am and always will be my most favourite tv show ever. I would do anything to get the privelige to go other to England and meet the three.
I can't wait until series 14 starts. Does any aussie know when it starts and if TG AU will be coming back?? (I really hope not)
Also the ratings are down I know but isn't TG UK the most popular TV show on earth? There'd be no point getting rid of it if it is because that would be like making a law that any car that can go over 200mp/h must be destroyed