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Everything posted by Milli

  1. It's supposed to be like that. Every Agera has a "hole" in there. It's necessary for the door to open.
  2. Well, some people don't want to skip their family dinner. :lol: I believe the time was an agreement on the most people. It's not really their fault that you live in Argentina. :lol:
  3. I know, the GTR is in since the beggining. You can find it in UCP v1.04. :lol:
  4. It's complicated because people are constantly modifying their game, and every DLC would need a new database, which would revert people's change every time. Which is annoying for many. :/
  5. Get up earlier. That's compromising. :lol:
  6. Being adult means it's harder to get everyone around the videogame in the same time. :lol: Edit: Where is the button to go back?
  7. :hello: Welcome to the forums Annabell! Hope you enjoy it here, and make sure to give out your tooth to the Squirrel Mafia. :lol: You don't want their mob mad, they're nuts. :nuts:
  8. But it will have better physics! Woooooooooooo :lol:
  9. Those are closed, tourism cars, the fuel is away from the driver. That's the main difference.
  10. Fueling is quite risky these days, for an open car, like F1, the risk of getting flames is too big, and they will refuel in 3 seconds anyways. What i would like to see is less downforce and more mechanical grip, so drivers can really tailgate others in corners without worry too much about the reduced airflow. :lol:
  11. Shelby Cobra 427 S/C in TDU Platinum. :lol:
  12. Oahu has deadly black mambas. Watch your step or you'll get bitten. :evil:
  13. TDU Police never was a challenge. :lol: Police never really chased for real. hahaha
  14. Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy it here, but don't forget to give your tooth to the squirrel mafia. They're quite serious about it.
  15. This opens so much room to talk about how games can mess up the minds of kids and people work on some kind of censorship or banishment of games... when in my humble opinion, that's just bad parenting. :lol:
  16. I don't really know how it works aswell, i sort of opened all the ports it's said on this post, and i don't have much trouble connecting with other people anymore. Ports Guide? It does work online. Always did. :lol: Thanks for enjoying it. :) #tduforever
  17. TDUF is a database editor, that only edits and reads DB.bnk races and other info will not ve displayed in TDUF. To get TDUF to work, put the whole TDUF folder and files inside the Atari folder.
  18. You must open the port 8889 in your router to get a better online connection. Take a look at "Port Forwarding" on google. Each router has it's way. And TDU Platinum has no release date, as i want to get this as polished as i can before release it. So you guys don't have to deal with bug fixes and countless updates.
  19. Download and install the bike bot fix. That is an issue with the AI. :lol: --- Post Updated --- Thank you for enjoying it! About the classes though, TDU has made G class a Classic car class, regardless of their performance, because in original TDU, Shelby Cobra Daytona already was in the class as a simple AC 289. I kept it that way. Although, TDU counted 25 years back from 2006 (it's release) to classify a car to G class, i otherwise, picked every car from 1989 or earlier to be a G class. So, sadly, the AE86 (1983) will be in the same category as the Countach 25th Annyversary (1988). :lol: If only we could create sub-categories, like G1, G2, and G3... which is what they did in TDU2 though. And yes, TDU Platinum is under development and it's going to be a huge leap from UCP. I could say that UCP is like a Platinum Beta. :lol: Savegames will be compatible, as they have always been. ;)
  20. It actually is. Somewhat. You just can't install patch 2.00 after UCP, because it would replace necessary files for UCP to work. That is why that only the order matters. Patch 2.00 first, UCP as last thing.
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