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Everything posted by Milli

  1. As Exmoon said, you can install patch 2.00 and then after install UCP. Make sure that UCP is the last thing you add.
  2. Possible, but being a relativelly small team, split the work into two different games might not be practical at all. If i am not wrong, Turn10 is not really responsible for Horizon series of Forza.
  3. It's more about what we have been told, as Diablo highlighted. Kazunori said it could be named GT7, said it would give a full "Gran Turismo Experience" and etc. That makes the fans, all fans, expect to get what they actually liked about the game, and seems that only some got, not everyone. The game does not deliver a "full gran turismo experience" to everyone, and that's a shame, really. Sure, the game improved on some aspects, went down on others, and i won't mention the lack of content, because that can be "fixed" with future DLC's, as is more certain they will come afterwards. The campaing mode is some-what just different, as some of these "mission challenges" require you to use your own garage car. I see what they tried to do, which is mix and add more variety to the offline, i just think they're too little and maybe too raw, an idea that might need some polishing. But, something i can not really see why is the removal of individual part tune-up, it's been said that the reason behind the removal is the fact that new players do not have interest/care or know about it, so they removed. I don't think that justify, when you could easily add a "quick tune" option, that would do the same thing they did to upgrade cars, but if you want to be more specific about your tune, you can adventure yourself on buying the parts yourself. And that also has a big role on what is a Gran Turismo to many people.
  4. I didn't played it, but the way i see, old timer players, who liked the older ones will not really be pleased, as GT Sport is more focused on online racing than anything else.
  5. I've seen it, it's cool and seems the guy really knows what he is talking about
  6. There is no such thing in TDU. Grip factor is exclusive to cars, and two things are most responsible for it, which is Grip value, in TDU PE and Weight distribution, also in TDU PE. TDU uses a standard value of 1000 in Grip, which is nothing more than simple tire grip. Lowest value they used is 900, for the Corvette C1, i believe. Now, weight distribution works as, values below 50, means your car has the weight more towards the rear, giving the rear wheels better traction. Values over 50, means your car has more weight up front, giving the front wheels more traction. I'd suggest you to take a look at the differences between each case you're "sliding like it's on ice" and when it is not. Some cars are just way too powerful to use grip value on 1000, which can cause the "ice" effect.
  7. Glad that you could solve your issue and the fact that you liked it. :ytwh:
  8. Enable bigbnk in the Project Paradise Launcher. Yes, you need Project Paradise, regardless if you're playing online or not. --- Post Updated --- No, if you can't find any tuning for Aston Martin, maybe you haven't found all of them. Take a closer look on the map and see if you have these tuners: Forza Tuner British Parts British Specialist US Muscle Tuner Japan Auto Parts Today's American Parts European Specialist There are 7 tuner shops in TDU.
  9. And what are the "right" reasons? You like it makes it good? Are you a parameter to decide what is right and good? :lol:
  10. I believe you still not getting the point, or what these bugs actually represent. :lol: Anyone who actually enjoys one of the big features of Forza, which is Forzavista and graphics will sure notice spoilers being stuck in place and front wheels that doesn't turn at all. I sure would, and wouldn't need to "dig out". And i believe that use Forzavista is play the game aswell, or am i wrong? But, with that aside, why these bugs actually matter? Because Turn10 is not a company that is new to the business. They have enough resources and capacity to do a better job. Poop, i am working in a TDU project, and i am making countless tests just to make sure nothing is bugged and everything works as they should. Some things are beyond my knowledge and personal moral to fix, Like RUF CTR tailights, which are lighting up in a wrong manner, but since that's an issue with the mod itself and i would need to unlock the files, i can't fix it. Other than that, the bug searching and fixing is a must in any game, and Turn10 apparently just didn't bother with that in Forza 7. Attention to detail makes a difference, but if you don't care about paying a lot, for a game that didn't bother to fix these small details that would take them no more than 5 minutes, be my guest and have a blast.
  11. And i totally agree with the statement that GT6 was actually GT5.5. It was a game that fixed some issues of GT5, but in the counterpart had new ones. The lost of used cars, the worse lighting are ones to name most... but it had more Premium cars, more tracks, paint was not consumable, and we had much better "customization". The way i see Project Cars 2, it is what the 1 should be, it adresses the mistakes of the first game, which imo, could be added as a big update. But that would and won't be the only things that could make Project Cars name get more known among Forza/GT players. There are many other aspects of the game that are completelly different. Project Cars is closer to Assetto Corsa and rFactor than Forza or GT. And a simple way to list this is, in Project Cars, you don't buy cars, and you don't customize them as you want. You don't change rims, don't add a new spoiler or anything... if you play on computer, you can try your luck on making a livery in photoshop. But that is it. Project Cars is a game made for computers, not really consoles, which is the main platform of GT and Forza. And this, as i see, this lack of "casuality" and actually identification of the player with the car they're driving, is the biggest reason why, even with Forza and GT being beaten up by their own fanbase doesn't justify, or make the popularity of PC2 grow. As similar as they're, their public is very different.
  12. Basically yes, 107 members have read this thread at some point.
  13. It is not. But definetly it is Project Cars 1.5. :lol:
  14. I tried to play F.E.A.R. Couldn't finish it. :lol: Nothing else to say.
  15. Increase Grip. This will give you better traction at launch. Will improve cornering aswell. Also, try to do the 0-100 times with traction control on, manual and always lauch with high RPM.
  16. Apparently it doesn't matter on a racing game. *ba dum tish* #multithreadinsidejokes:lol:
  17. Can you please stop bringing Gran Turismo into everything????? :lol: Topic wasn't even about Gran Turismo, and i won't talk about it, but shall we get on the windshield reflection subject again. First thing i said about the windshield was this, which you clearly ignored, or didn't understand at all. Now, allow me to demonstrate what i meant with images. BMW M5 E60 Sauber C9 Ferrari F40 LM Ferrari 612 Scaglietti Volkswagen Touareg Now, allow me to explain, also with images, why is this so wrong. It's all about how it's done, and not the fact the reflection is there. Windshield reflection happens in every single vehicle that do not have a flocked dashboard, and the lighter the dash, the more reflection it will give. You, Hassan, as an automotive designer should know that, and also should know that if a windshield has so much reflection at the point to give reflection of your own hand, holding the steering wheel, something is really wrong with the windshield shape or position of the driver. But enough with lessons, right to the point. Notice the distances between the bottom of the windshield and the end of the dashboard reflection. Now, here's a real windshield reflection. Look how from the line of sight, the distance of the reflection is a lot bigger than you can see in the dash. And you may wonder, why? Because the reflection is supposed to be from the up view, and not a mirrored image of what you see. Here is another examples of windshield reflection Can you notice that in every single car, you likely won't see the reflection of your own hands, holding the steering wheel? Now, to keep it even more so in the topic, Forza 6 had the windshield reflection, and guess what? It was actually better than Forza 7. Allow me to show.
  18. And how can you know? Maybe if you're assertive about it, i will listen. Because this is not about agree or disagree. Now, if you base the game on subjective matters, like preferences, then you might be right. Be objective.
  19. I looked for reviews, but none says it is better than Forza 6. :lol: You are the one saying it is, can't you tell me?
  20. :lol: Guys, you're being way too emotional about this. Digging things from the past to validate your argument? Really? Trying to make someone "less" in order to make your argument valid? Can't you have a decent debate with someone who really doesn't share your opinion? I will be a bit rude now, but maybe this will get things straight, i honestly don't care why you like the game, you have your own reasons to, and that is fine. The whole point of the thread is to compare it with Forza 6, and i asked in my previous post, in where exactly Forza 7 is better than Forza 6. Nobody explained me that yet, it is more important to say why you like it instead of list the things it's actually better than Forza 6? Again, why and where is it better than Forza 6? Now, @[URL="http://forum.turboduck.net/member.php?u=40218"]Loek[/URL], i knew Forza tires didn't change at all, and that is exactly what made my opinion about Forza 6 gets worse than it was when i played it. I am sorry, but tire compound should make A LOT of difference in any racing game. And i knew Forza 7 wouldn't be different. @hassan1995, so you don't knock any car you don't like, because you haven't tried, you don't know... You never drove them. And to be fair, apparently i played Forza 7, which is like Forza 6 remastered. :lol:
  21. Now, allow me to disagree. To me, in racing, you actually need to change your tires to rain compound when it starts to rain. And back it to dry, once the rain is done. That has a big role on a racing matter. And anyone who actually played on a competition level above offline races against AI knows that. Specially on games that have dynamic weather. Second, a game today is more than just racing, if you only cared about racing, why are you playing Forza at all? If racing is the only thing that matters for you in a racing game, i'd suggest to get iRacing, rFactor or Assetto Corsa. Third, there are countless negative reviews about this game, also a lot of complains about it's own fanbase, which Turn 10 themselves recognized it. And forth, there are countless reviews about the game, which i have watched, if you really think that playing the game would completelly change what someone thinks about a game, you're completelly wrong. I had an opinion about Forza 6 before play it, and it remained the same after i played it. (Actually, it got worse for Forza 6 after i played it, but that's other subject) But, again, to focus the argument back to it's topic, this thread is not about Forza being a bad game, it's about it being worse than Forza 6. Many problems that Forza 7 do have, which you don't need to look much deep to find, were unexistent in Forza 6. If you could name, exactly where Forza 7 is better than Forza 6, please do so. Other than having dynamic weather, i can't see where it is. Edit: And on a more personal level about the bugs. The bugs themselves are not what the major problem, the major problem is the lack of care. Those mistakes shown in the videos are simple things, that could be easily fixed in less than 5 minutes, and yet they seem to not care at all. And i think that's really wrong thing to do, if you're a developer as huge as Turn 10.
  22. The high top speed show in the stats are not wrong. They're correct. The issue is that TDU displays the Gear Speed, instead of the real top speed of a car. If i set the real top speed, your gears won't work as they should. Cars with overdrive gears will quickly shift through all gears untill it reaches the overdrive one. Bugatti already reaches over 400km/h by standard, want it to be tuned is a bit extreme. Every Mclaren but P1 have tuning. Aston Martin also have tuning, you just need to find the correct tune shop.
  23. Bump drafting makes no effect what so ever. Look at the car speed, not if he is overtaking or not. The car accelerates at same rate while "drafting" or not. I'd suggest you guys to try it in the Forza 7 League that Devin is organizing.
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