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Everything posted by killalldude

  1. It's not really funny, but at least several innocent lives weren't taken away.
  2. ^Aww. I was hoping since they've implemented elements from the Sims, the guns on the DBS would be sort of like GTA :cheeky:
  3. I'm surprised the guy in the truck didn't reverse and drive away :p.
  4. I was having issues connecting yesterday but today it seems just fine.
  5. Lol I wasn't expecting this! Definitely a great change from that everyday Ferrari or Lambo :p
  6. Haha me too. Not that I'd mind if it breaks, I just don't want to be in it when it explodes. :cheeky: However I'd really like to know how my 20-year old 3.Oh Ford V6 hangs along :p
  7. I do too :D So when the time comes when you neeeed a family sedan, you're going to get an E-Class coupe because it's just as practical as an E-Class sedan? Sedans/Saloons have four doors, coupes have two. I've never heard anyone try and claim a two door car to be a sedan until now. :cheeky:
  8. Wow! I just love you right now. The Taurus SHO is one of my favorite cars of all time. I hope this project goes well!

    1. That would be evil! It does say "In Stock Now | Dispatched Same Day" so I guess they might have gotten a shipment early and want to send them out now :confused:
    2. Try cropping out the black. Nice M3 btw ;)
    3. But you have they key and the title of your car ;)
    4. Craigslist can be a shady place. I'm surprised he just let you drive off with it. One of my good friends has a two door Cherokee, it's a late 90's model, and it has a 4.0 badge on the back. ;)
    5. I love the first pic! What filter does that?
    6. I really like the second to last shot, it really brings out the angel eyes :)
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