Alrighty, how about stopping the "dog"-slapping right there? Since you've all had a go at TDU Forums, I believe I have the right of reply, so I hope you'll forgive me for continuing to take this thread off-topic. Let's clear some things up, shall we?
First off, TDU Forums is temporarily down - there was a server glitch last month, and as @ZenLee said, Dredgy wasn't around to fix it. The site is not dead, and it should be back up quite soon.
@TDUFREAK500, I believe you're mistaken. The administrative action you referred to happened because of a different matter entirely. This isn't the place to discuss that, though, and the staff at TDU Forums can clear it up with you there later if you wish.
@Kurgan, I disagree with almost everything you said there. In fact, the word I'd use to describe much of your particular post would get me warning-points. :cheeky: Tool831 is still posting Shift mods at TDU Forums, and Dredgy also has no intention of closing the forum whatsoever. The forum's finances are also secure for the foreseeable future, just so you know - not that it's any of your business in the first place. ;) Also, I can assure you that your comment about our administrators is factually incorrect, and I don't know which of our two admins (Tool831 and myself) you could be referring to. I might also add that our staff are chosen with the utmost care, and all of our staff members are more than competent in their roles. Nobody, absolutely nobody, has ever been banned or issued warnings against for anything that did not contravene one of the rules, and all warnings are issued under the same disciplinary rubric, which is strictly adhered to by all staff. The only reason people might be banned "left and right", as you claim, would be because our staff have the utmost concern for eliminating spammers, trolls and other such undesirable characters from the forum, and are extremely efficient in doing so.
@All posters here, again, I stress that this thread, or indeed any thread on this forum, is not in any way an appropriate place to discuss any other forum or forum member, particularly with the scorn which some of you have displayed. I politely request that you all have some respect for our fellow members of the TDU community, and keep such banter to yourselves.
Tool831's been given something of a beating here, however, so in defence of him, I will say this. Tool is a great guy; he's given so much to the TDU community, and I'm surprised at the contemptible level of respect that he's shown in return. All his comments about others' work have good intentions, and I'd go so far as to suggest some people might have taken his constructive criticism a tad too sensitively and personally. In addition, Tool831 is as responsible, innovative and capable an administrator as I have ever seen.
So, enough of the irrelevant gossip. I hope I've cleared up some of this melting-pot of erroneousness, and I'd request for this thread to be closed.
Also, @OP, you'll get your 333SP when TDU Forums gets back up soon. ;)