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Everything posted by Who

  1. oops! wrong thread, can someone move this post to errr, my thread? i saw '4 years' and thought it was mine xD
  2. mine is a B497 Subaru Legacy with about 290 Horses on tap, will post pics later as i'm doing a livery for it at the moment... E: reap, can you put a blank number board on your storfront? it'll look better if we all have the same...
  3. wow, for some reason i fixed it yesterday by showing someone what was wrong with it (as is always the way) I opened the drive case, and as usual it wasn't spinning, so to take the piss i decided to play budget DJ hero... next thing i know the drive is very slowly spooling up. I've never been so happy to see 'play viva piñata' in my life :P
  4. my xbox for some reason now works, so count me in for this #13 please i'm going to have to check out the cars i can use, still need a car suited to the limits
  5. probably 'lol, we had our game for 1/2 a year longer, and SRT still thinks we have better physics' :p
  6. wow, they've worked wonders, they've made it go from an ugly car into what looks like an obese 911... oh wait...
  7. i'm going with alfa because they dont compare in any way, the way i compare the companies is alfa being the suave italian who welcomes you in, slowly pushes you into having a good time at your own pace, wheras ferrari is an italian ADHD footballer ponse, who specialises in cheap trills for people with petit pois between their legs i really resent the clinical nature, which when added to my distaste for a car that constantly ircs you to go faster and sounds like a bumblebee in a megaphone is not a good combo. for day to day use the alfa would be perfect. not to mention that they look nicer
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXqpN562pik yes, i know, naff, but i like it
  9. where's the option for 'because he has a sense of humour enough to even make this thread'? :p
  10. nice, you think you could port the old list of nuggets over from the past thread?
  11. we have ll of the UK covered aswell IIRC England - mellors, nodz, baldred, most of TDU-c Wales - me, elecktro scotland - diab, jazzi, TSS ireland - MCW good thread, even if the first thing i noticed was that the name of the other community sounds like 'foreplay' :p
  12. well, if M$ will charge you for a fix, then (atleast here) CEX (the exchange shop) will fix it for £25
  13. well, i've cracked the xbox open. The power was connected, and the drive does spin the disk a little, but only very slowly. It seems like a fault with the motor, cause when i move it there is major resistance, much more that any other disk drives (CD players/Dreamcast) i'm guessing that either the motor is burned, or more hopefully, that the motor is clogged with hair or something, that i can rectify by taking it out and giving it a good clean... also, M$ are so cheap, the disk drive is the same one as my launch console by the looks, and they've just changed things as they break, considering that the MFR date of the drive (Hitatchi LG) is october 2005... tempted to just buy an arcade and use the current one as a media centre
  14. lol, my launch console lasted till the following march! 3 months! could you pm the details of flashing my drive for *cough* backups E: sorry for double post, merge pls
  15. the power may be connected though, cause i'm sure i can hear the lazer dancing about trying to scan... hmm =/
  16. yep, xbox is now dying in another way, the disk drive has given up on me this time, which is just what I need... the disk just goes in the machine, the dash says it's reading and it just isn't, because i can't hear the usual 'plane taking off' sound coming from it. thinking of trying to fix this one myself, as the warranty is expired anyway
  17. like you would have put money on last E3, atari live and TGS? :p
  18. go to account, and find download history, it should be there :)
  19. can we open this to MCLA too? same idea behind the game but less crap
  20. happy smurfday! and yes mellors, i'm never going to mow the lawn topless again! he leaped over the fence like a kangaroo on a mix of viagra and crack, the rest is history
  21. and? GT claims to be 'the real driving simulator' despite being under par compared to other sims, atari chucks around the word 'soon' like there's no tomorrow, microsoft says that the 360's fail rate is less than 20%, apple say they have no viruses at all on OSX, Turn 10 claims to have invented tyre flex, and wikipedia probably claims that the moon is made of cheese. does it really bother you what anonymous strangers claim to have? It shouldn't do
  22. Who

    New Car......Sadly

    Magentis... Why name a car after what sounds like a disease? :p
  23. i'd go for the scud because it wouldn't have panel gaps big enough to stick fingers into...
  24. i thought it would be about the daily fail (mail) too :p or the royal fail :p
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