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Everything posted by Who

  1. didnt you guys know, ikea came to saab's rescue, they're developing a car made out of cheap assed pine that is supposed to be assembled with the wrong sized screws it comes with :D
  2. when it comes to a word like that you only use an apostrophe for the last instance, the way you spelled it would have been will needed to be be shouldnt've but I dont think that's an actual word so you should write 'shouldn't have' yes i'm bored :p:cool:
  3. shockingly weak joke there :p another thing i'd be happy about would be if the roadblocks were more like in most wanted, where you can actually get past if you're on the motorway and can't take a dirt trip to get past.
  4. bless him, he misses the time before the operation :nanananana: i like 'vornes and jane's suggestion. maybe have regular members white though otherwise things get hairy and confusing.
  5. i'm always one for the underdog so i'll very loosely support red bull racing (the car looks sexy to boot) high hopes for brawn too.
  6. Translation: baldyish < i'm looking after this place, don't worry English > RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! PANIC! There are snakes on this pla.. errr, forum? 'gratz plodersaurus
  7. as are FIAT SpA who are enjoying quite an upturn in sales since the cars started being actually good. if im not mistaken Peugeot are doing allright for themselves too. Notice that all 3 of these companies have invested in small cars and diesel technology (in some cases both). These companies have seen diesel as the way forward (audi and pug are both using diesel LeMans cars after all) and it's paying off quite nicely
  8. if by drift you mean 'had the back wheel of a motorbike step out on a roundabout in the rain' then yes, been there, done that, nearly died :p
  9. just noticed how preachy i sound so i'll just reiterate that what i've said is personal opinion. i'm not going to say any more/keep my thoughts to myself on the issue cause i've met no-one here in person and hence it's not my place to comment.
  10. wasn't that my signature a while back? also, vista is a sack of crap. OSX ftw
  11. envy is a bad thing jane. they're 'sexy' and your 'beautiful'. they're completely different in my opinion and i know which one i prefer. :) (i've got quite alot of practice with this sort of discussion as my mates often say similar things)
  12. I guess i should go out on a limb and say that of all the pics i think yours is the nicest janine, i think you have a much more honest face and you have great defined features, i can't really tell by the photo (being black and white) if you're wearing much makeup, but it doesn't look like it, which in my opinion is nicer. i do have different tastes to most guys though, most my female mates wear barely any makeup and none of them are the stereotypical 'sexy girls' (I hang around with metalhead girls or my slightly nerdy mates, most the girls i hang around with are very pretty)
  13. eurgh, why is it suddenly time to change the rules that have been around since pretty much the start. the rules have been fine for over half a century, why is the FIA so desperate to mess up the sport. glad for this season though it's business as usual
  14. nice videos jane, looks like a really cool game, may get into it s these mods seem to turn it into quite a realistic driving game (in the scenery, cars and traffic atleast)
  15. amazing, but i'm sure pornographic images aren't allowed on this forum :( :p
  16. great, the formerly mighty WRC >.> with all of 2 manufacturers and rubbish coverage. the tv coverage was always crap on dave, they only ever showed the first and second place, i dont think the suzuki for example was even shown once. also, did seat pull out of WTCC aswell as BTCC?
  17. i'd like to wish you happy birthday... atleast it would if i cared ;)
  18. i'm happy as long s they mention the model name as well as brand... considering that if you speed in a GT-40 the only basis the police have for your pursuit is 'suspect last seen in a ford' which is kind of general, considering that it could be a mondeo, or it could be a mustang, a focus or a fastback, a transit or a torino, a GT or a granada... ok, overstretched that one now, but you get my drift. it'd be interesting if they replaced 'pull over you vehicle immediately with 'pull over your vehicle immediately or your save is corrupted bizatch!'
  19. HAI GUIYES! I can be trendy man convertible too? Yugo Power!
  20. here's a pic of me from red nose day '09 in college (i have major hots for the girl on my left *blushes*)
  21. Mascara is the eyelash stuff that makes them longer, and obviously your eyelashes re above and below your eyes, but mainly above. eyeliner is the one that goes below :nanananana:
  22. happy birthday khev, being as it's your 21st you have absolute permission to get paralytic :p
  23. i'd definitely go for the Grado's if you want over-ear jobs. also of note for great sound are AKG (makers of professional quality mics) and Sennheiser, who have phones covering pretty much every price range, quite popular on my course. there's some nice AKGs http://www.amazon.co.uk/AKG-K450BLU-K450-Headphones-Navy/dp/B001F6M5DI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1237072489&sr=1-1]here GoodCans.com reviews headphones and really likes grado, here's two handy reviews http://www.goodcans.com/HeadphoneReviews/ipod.htm and http://www.goodcans.com/HeadphoneReviews/recommendations.htm
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