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Everything posted by Who

  1. The s7 may be a *good* car, but its a ruddy pointless one. IRL, the S7 is not a dyson with warp-speed capabilities, the car in TDU is rediculous as it feels arcadey, even in HCM. just feels like you're playing NFS whilst everyone else is on forza. As a car in the game, there is nothing to really like. the dash is plain, and it has scaffolding in the back. sounds liek a dustbuster, looks like an F1, but minus anything that makes it 'stylised' and has a constant power flow from 0-200mph. it isnt quirky, it isnt unpredictable, its just a car on steriods. generally, to like a car, i have to be able to drive it slow, and to be honest, this is why (shoot me for saying this) i actually like the SSR, its got a nice grunty sound, it seems to effortlessly lumber about the place and its quite nice to drive. IMO, the S7 is a heap of fail, and in TDU2 it needs to either be brought back to reality, or given the boot
  2. Who


    very fake, not very funny
  3. i tried again and got exactly the same, 90% again. why does this feel like DDR for people that are lazy and wanna use a keyboard? :p
  4. saw a triumph speed triple today, a brilliantly sexual bike, but something tells me you car lovers wont care :p
  5. i'd get the octavia, always liked them, and have a preference to saloons
  6. if this hasnt been done yet
  7. facebook is balls. bebo is good, but no-one is bothering to pay any attention to my page any more! reply dammit you turds! also, Myspace is good, because i like the groups implementation, having bands come out and contact me is great
  8. no, it cant be! CMM can not make a nugget! it is much more amusing seeing him making dozy mistakes and nuggeting himself instead ;)
  9. Mb again! he's getting good at this no?
  10. don't support corvette, they will get raped by Aston Martin again ;) *nige bating FTW* I'm supporting CHAROUZ RACING SYSTEM's Lola Aston Martin :D
  11. The girl in the pic with the black lotus is giving you a dirty look :p
  12. In the same bed, naturally <3 ;) sorry, had a foul night of it last night which has resulted in the most self hatred i've had in a long time :( need to cheer myself up with pettyness
  13. He just went up a notch in my book! *now at notch 1*
  14. 5. *edited* If you have to clever edit or censor it then it's not permitted!
  15. Iced, Balto and CMM in teh same week? the nugget masters go to war! its like a 3 way final of euro 2008, but more interesting (dont ask me how it works, it just does) *gets popcorn* *noms popcorn* O/T: popcorn gifs rule, we can has one for TDU:C plz? kthxbai
  16. saw an ariel atom today also saw a VW karmann that is from a few doors down, got pictures if its rare :p eerrrrr, probably have mentioned in teh past, bet theres a red TVR chimeria in my college
  17. brilliant cars, hopefully his spirit lives on through the company's future R.I.P.
  18. I saw a quote with my name at the top ojn the other page, was wondering if i had finally been caught out :p luckily i've left all my nuggetty remarks to TDU, such as 'no matter how gentle you are with the CCR, it will always spin out at forty thousand revs' :p
  19. As sucky as orange is (and it is very much so) its apparently the fastest provider in Wrexham. oh dear.
  20. I would rather wrap nettles around my member and do the can-can infront of Kim Jong Il that wat5ch big brother
  21. erm, i should be able to :D
  22. just a tiny, little thing here... if they are, as he states, asking about the feel of the control (i.e. Physics), surely this means they are only just starting on a physics engine? Hence, long way off...
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