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Everything posted by CarMadMike

  1. If you're complaining about this race then there's simply no future for you and F1.
  2. 'New' Audi A4.... Images from Autoexpress Hmmm..... Perfectly okay looking car, it's just a hugely boring makeover.
  3. Those wondering where mells has been over the past week or two need'nt worry, he's been spotted and all is okay, he's loving life: Happy Birthday Mells! :birthday: Hope you do something cray cray for it considering you've just graduated too :D Should be a good summer for you!
  4. Welcome to TDUCK endriu! :) I wonder what polish with a Scottish accent sounds like D, I imagine it might be similar to that NYE video you did a few years back. :cheeky:
  5. Only when looking directly at the back to I agree with you, I think every other angle and even the interior has been locked down by Alfa as something fairly different to what is in the segment. This isn't a £150k supercar, there's only so much you can do when designing a mid-compact 'luxury' car and I feel that Alfa have done more than enough to try and make their car stand out from the crowd. In an automotive world of the germans and Jaguar copying and pasting their design and pressing a 'shrink' or 'expand' button and calling it a revolutionary new vehicle I feel any criticism on Alfa for not being too unique here is completely unnecessary - they should be applauded (unless you simply don't like the design however that is completely different to the point you were making). This is the first vehicle in what I imagine to be a new design language for Alfa, something we might see copied rather closely on hatchbacks etc, so to criticize the design of this car for not being imaginative enough makes me concerned of what you'll be thinking when these new Alfas eventually come out of the shadows etc. I think the colour red is a bit overused when it comes to releasing new cars in this segment though and maybe that's one of the reasons you feel you've seen this before etc. I love it :D It's the right balance between sporty and classy Italian design, that noise :drool: I'll take the white one with the rims from the red car I think. This is such a turnaround for Alfa (disregarding the 4C due to how low-volume it is relatively), I hope the interior quality has taken a proportionate jump too. That start/stop button on the steering wheel is so god damned cool, as is the noise :drool: and the quad exhausts, and the manual gearbox.... I can see Maserati's boardroom being rather concerned at how many Ghibli sales this may steal, especially with how hard Mazzer are pushing their sales targets at the moment. TL;DR???: You're wrong, I'm right :cheeese:
  6. Hey Yugi :) Welcome to Tduck!
  7. The clubman's design has been leaked or seen in various spyshots for a while now, and from what i've seen so far I really really like it. The above Picture in S form with another exhaust on the right hand side and i'd love it. Considering how little I've liked the most recent mini updates, good to see they're on the right path again.
  8. I have mixed feelings over the A110-50, yes it's stunning and sounds amazing but I feel that for a mechanically functioning Concept Car they went a bit too far in making it hardcore, the current Renault Demographic simply wouldn't be interested in it and the current renault reputation due to this demographic might have possibly deterred as much interest as if it had an Alfa badge for example. If it was a bit tamer, like a Renault version of Alfa's 4C then it might be production worthy, but for now... it's simply got the wrong badge on.
  9. Yup: This waistline/sidescoop area really is almost identical. When you take into account the squashed/flattened noses of them both then the similarities continue.
  10. I'll start off with The Aston DBC Concept, not an offical Aston Concept car but still - PLEASE BUILD IT NOW. DBC > LIFE. Now to those cray frenchies: The GT Concept, I feel it was quite revolutionary style-wise for its day, and that other companies have taken inspiration from it in one way or another: The Metropolis Concept: Because it's french it won't be reliable or fast, so it needs to be god damn stylish and this thing has buckets of style: The Ford O12C, for obvious reasons :D The Lotus Esprit BECAUSE GOD DAMNIT DANY BAHAR YOU OWED US THIS YOU CRUEL CRUEL CRUEL PERSON The Alfa Romeo Carabo, because how awesome would it be to pull up to a Countach (I know it came first chill) at the lights and see the face on its driver because your car is even crazier and more pointier.
  11. Nah, they'd probably reply telling me I didn't have the creative right to edit their image or something. /pessimist.
  12. I suppose that's the difference between SMS and its rivals, this crowd-funding platform they use results in them having to lay their cards out on the table so early in the production process to attract the necessary finance to finish their plans. It's nice to see something different in a rather monotonous industry, but it does get a bit boring in just how much each small detail is then discussed in the time between now and release in comparison to other games.
  13. Look what I spotted near work today :D CItroën Mehari, not the rarest car in France but still uber cool. Also spotted a white 4C with the better headlights on the way to work this morning, i'm sure most of the time on the daily commute he regrets not getting the much more comfortable cayman :lol: But the rarity of the Alfa will always make it stand out so much more, looked awesome.
  14. That Initiale Paris concept really doesn't look that different to the new espace Milli, which looks great on the road, a desirable car rather than the 'eughhhhh should have used a condom' machine that the previous espaces have been. Interesting that 3 Cadillacs have come up.... for what is relatively a small company on the global stage. I couldn't agree more with all 3 concept cars mentioned in this thread. Having those lalalala cars would differentiate Cadillac from other American companies and put it on a standing with Bentley etc on a global stage.
  15. We're okay to post pics btw, I just didn't in my post as there was enough info in the post as it was :D I agree with your selections, the Jag was my #1 post but I was going to post my choices in a different post haha. Regarding the Estoque, I feel they should have gone down the 2+2 route with it as to satisfy all the purists. It would have looked like this (my own rendering from years ago :p) http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x6/carmadmike/LamborghiniEspadapng.png
  16. If they've created a new RWD drivetrain and are putting a 450ps engine in it, then we know they've not cut corners on it :D I saw a 4C on the way to work this morning, falling back in love with Alfa again.
  17. Good to hear :D Sorry we weren't of much help!
  18. Taking the idea from Carthrottle's Video, what Concept Cars do you wish had made production? They nominate: Peugeot Onyx Mazda Furai (R.I.P :( ) Maserati Birdcage 75th Dodge Deora Chevrolet Aerovette BMW M1 Homage Ford GT90 Volkswagen V12 NARDO Cadillac Sixteen Kia GT4 Stinger Ford Shelby GR-1 Devel Sixteen Toyota FT-1 (Ew :cheeky:) Do you disagree with their list, are any of their nominations your favourite concept car? What other cars should have made the list d'ya think? :)
  19. Italian car with red paint and big rims.... I think I'll like this :lol: Any idea if this is the production car they're releasing or if it'll be one of those BS concept cars that they've practically already put into production 100% as it is seen as in concept form?
  20. Hey Heavyduke! Welcome to TDUCK :duck:
  21. Dayum, Ford should have tried to get that GT as the new batmobile in the new Batman vs Superman film. Ferocious looking thing.
  22. :camp: I imagine it'll be much the same one the XE and new XF are both on the roads, even more identical than some of the germans.
  23. Stunning, in world of 'is dat an audi a1 or a3 or a4 or a5 or a6 or a7 or a8 i haz no clue???!??!!' something so striking and unique looking is more than welcome :nods:
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