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Car Freak

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Everything posted by Car Freak

  1. I buy one of these a month when i can: Top Gear UK or EVO. But my neighbour has tons of magazines, so i also enjoy reading his Autocar mags as well
  2. Next time, please don't rush and instead, wait for at least 24hrs before posting up a new comparison? This is to give others a chance to take a look at what's been posted. Anyway, I'll take the Viper and Challenger respectively, because i'm way too much of a Muscle car guy
  3. The car looks horribly close to grounding its nose on the flatbed ramp in that pic...
  4. Hunk o' junk if you ask me. That roof absolutely does not go with the rest of the car
  5. Congrats EyeKatcher, for winning PhOTW!
  6. Lancia Martini Porsche Martini Mopar Formula Drift Mitsubishi WRC And of course the obligatory Gulf colours...
  7. In my opinion, the Alfa is more beautiful but the Fiat will probably be more exciting to drive. I actually do want a Fiat Coupe Turbo at some point in my life, but they're getting increasingly more difficult to find in Singapore these days. Probably only a handful of them left :(
  8. I remember watching Mythbusters trying to bust that myth. They used 2 million bricks, and the ball ended up weighing about a tonne or so... And it literally fell apart when they tried rolling it down a hill :rofl:
  9. I choose the Bowler, though that's more down to how little i know about the Baja truck than anything else
  10. Watch it and be amazed. Apparently took 1500 hours to film, and with the quality of the video, i'm inclined to belive them. It looks way to smooth to be a stop motion vid, and yet, it still looks somewhat believable. Incredible.
  11. Really close choice between variodical and eyekatcher, but i eventually chose the former cos it's more believable. eyekatcher's is of a higher quality though
  12. Been wanting to do this one for quite some time now 1970 Dodge Challenger R/T 2009 Dodge Challenger SRT8
  13. I disagree. I think the extra length helps out this version. The previous one looked a bit top heavy because of its compactness. This one helps to make the roof appear lower.
  14. :bump: http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p265/1carfreak1/Model%20Cars/IMG_5569.jpg And EyeKatcher, those are really amazing macro shots! How'd you do it without the bugs flying away? Especially the one on the finger. Is that your finger or someone else's?
  15. They do have almost teh same power actually: 380 vs 385. But I think the Mustang has more torque. And you say that about the handling, but these hardcore tuned American sports cars actually go round corners pretty well, if in an unenjoyable manner. Just look at the Corvette - more than 1g around a skid pan! One of the reasons why they're so good at LeMans
  16. Good question. It was pretty fun back when we had this 'competition'
  17. It's been a couple of days, so... Ford SVT Mustang Cobra R BMW E46 M3 GTR Both V8-engined, stripped out, hardcore, barely-disguised race cars. I'll have the 'Stang, ta
  18. Here's my new toy, literally: http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p265/1carfreak1/Model%20Cars/IMG_1402.jpg http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p265/1carfreak1/Model%20Cars/IMG_1406.jpg http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p265/1carfreak1/Model%20Cars/IMG_1403.jpg http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p265/1carfreak1/Model%20Cars/IMG_1407.jpg
  19. Well if a new Capri does happen, it'll most likely be built as a Scirocco competitor, so expect it to be based closely on the Focus
  20. I believe this is the thread you want? http://forum.turboduck.net/showthread.php?t=7801&page=40
  21. That's because that pic is of a Ford Verve, essentially the Fiesta Concept
  22. I'm sure it'll have cracking performance, but I'm not so sure about the air intakes below the headlights. They look too much like the ones on the TTRS and don't really suit the look of a more subtle, grown up car
  23. God I really *swear word* hate people who do that. Just makes you want to be a hacker so you can send a crippling virus over to their computers doesn't it? My blood boils just reading about it... Anyway, one of my worst experiences was from more than 6 years ago (gosh, has it really been that long?), back when I was still playing Gameboy and Pokemon. My parents have never been supportive of my gaming, so the only Gameboy I ever had was the original GameBoy Pocket, which was a present from my mum's friend in '96 or '97 (means I played it for 7 years...), and the first (and only) game for it that i got which I actually wanted came a few years later - Pokemon Yellow Anyway I spent a year or so taking my time and playing it slowly, and was mighty pleased with my progress. One fine day I decided to finish the thing and went to battle the Elite Four. The most difficult series of battles, it took my a lot of tries to do it. Imagine my delight when, by a random, computer-generated stroke of luck, I managed to beat them! It was a really intense fight so i saved the game and switched if off to rest a while. 30mins later i was feeling random so i decided to start a new game just for fun (i'd done this many times before) - the intention was just to muck about and not save. Err, I think you can probably guess what I accidentally did... :crying: <headdesk> I haven't touched Pokemon or my GameBoy since. I still have it though, and i'm pretty sure it still works, except for some mould growing between the LCD and plastic outer covering. The display itself is fine, I just can't see what it's displaying... :cheeky:
  24. What platform is your demo on? Xbox360? Anyone know when it'll be released for PC?
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