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Everything posted by Speed

  1. Thanks everyone for the congratulations since I last said :D
  2. Changed my mind from Mirrors Edge now that I own it, gets a bit repetitive, I'd go with Fallout 3.
  3. The voting will start soon, no worries :)
  4. Voted for Mirrors Edge because it sounds really really good. Only game on the list I have is Far Cry 2, and don't really like it, plus GRID is quite old now and don't really know much about Fallout, so I think Mirrors Edge is the best choice.
  5. Yeah, I kept getting disconnected from XBL whilst playing Fable 2 yesterday, was really annoying, ran the "troubleshoot connection" thing and everything was fine so got a bit confused...
  6. Sorry, I'm afraid it's not acceptable. Someone tried to enter it before and we said no then, so I'll have to say no now as well to keep it fair.
  7. I have played through the whole story, but in that time I only used 700 specials. For the R8 you need 5000, so didn't really want to repeat the story 7 more times to unlock it :)
  8. Pistols as in hand guns, yes. Makes for quite interesting combos tbh, couple of hits with a mace/ katana, then roll away and bring out the shotgun Lol. No idea what era, but I'd hazard a guess at it being in fantasy land :p Elements of Victorian England, but apart from that, I can't think of anything else. Not played the first Fable, but by how it starts I'd say it's probably not a follow on. Hope that was some help :) Edit: For some reason I deleted the quote bit about good and evil, but yeah, you can choose which way you want to go. Good/ Evil and also Pure/Corrupt.
  9. Congrats to SafiroTDU :D The theme this week is Drifting. Entrants: 1. Extreme Flatulence 2. Pressurized 3. BobbyV 4. Spoon_Fit 5. gunned_down666 6. Danger Mouse 7. Baltoman 8. minulescu 9. ShadowGT 10. Ruub 11. MARK1992 12. Car Freak 13. Saash 14. RB26DETT 15. Safiro TDU 16. Beem3r 17. HappyTreeFriend 18. Fridge Magnet Rabbit 19. Cuba_Legend 20. Andreaz1 21. Ringo_60013 22. GalyPoland 23. Sunny 24. pyrre 25. Rodrighazzo 26. googlproxer 27. Cakeflour 28. aripall 29. SST SENATOR 30. GTAMADDOG 31. Kaiser2506 32. EyeKatcher 33. Vey_PL 34. Bishop-|PL|-25 35. eky_123 36. reznor 37. zo6dude 38. eruanno 39. Sunny Delight 40. colyu 41. astontdu 42. zawshu 43. Eden1238 44. BadBoy116 45. CarboZR1 Rules: 1. No Noticable Photoshopping (Apart from Borders, Brightness/ Contrast, Your Name/Logo) 2. No voting for yourself come poll day! 3. The pictures must be taken by you!! 4. If you do not like this theme or the new rules, then let me know without all screaming at me. 5. No entering of photos that have previously won PotW. 6. Choose your own entry, don't ask people to do it for you. 7. Please upload your photo in 800x600 or smaller! 8. Drifts. New Rules (Please Read) If you wish to change your entry, please just edit your original post and replace the old pic with your new one. (This is just to help keep the thread clean and make it simpler for me to find the correct pics when I make the poll. Thanks :)) Please note: If there are more than 50 entrants then the first 50 will be the ones entered into the vote, as this is the limit. Because of this I will try to keep the first post up to date so you always know how many people have already entered. Sorry for any inconvenience. Closing Date: Sunday 16 November
  10. Game keeps randomly crashing for no apparent reason :( Snow still falls but none of the buttons do anything except the xbox button :(
  11. Thanks everyone, due to the lack or negative critism here I'll probably be buying this tomorrow :)
  12. There isn't a button for convertibles on default controls, you'll need to use custom controls and configure it yourself :)
  13. Thanks for your messages everyone :p
  14. I've seen a few old threads about this game, but nothing since its release so made this one to get your opinions. Saw the advert on TV and it looked pretty interesting so I was just wondering if it's any good. All opinions appreciated. Thanks :)
  15. For the specials, I strapped my controller up with elastic bands and NOS'd into the sea loads of times. NOS counts as a special so it's pretty simple to do :)
  16. Nah, got 9 myself, Need 350 wins, 25 hours cruising and drive 5000 miles. But for the 350 wins I need to make sure I don't lose any so I can keep my 25 consecutive Lol.
  17. Dundee. One of the best universities in England. You heard it here first ;)
  18. Please reduce the size of your signature to within the forum rules, I have removed it from these posts as a warning, but it will not be tolerated again.
  19. The problem is that they load in the larger image size. Next time please visit a site such as http://imageshack.us/ which can automatically resize images when you upload them. If you havn't read the new rules yet, you can do so here. Please don't do this again, Thanks, TDU Central Staff.
  20. Voted for another game, ie Gears Of War 2. Wont get for £20, but worth saving up for or so I've heard. P.S. I've heard there's a Deal Or No Deal sequel on it's way to stores near you! :p
  21. Thanks for your messages of congratulations everyone. Off to work now, so I'll catch up with you all later :)
  22. Please read the new image rules located here, and adjust your image to the correct size accordingly :) P.S. Nice Pic ;)
  23. Yeah but you've completed more of them than me atm. Only done 5, which 9 have you done?
  24. There is an R8, you unlock in by registering on Rockstar Social Club and completing 12 objectives.
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