LOL, what an interesting site. Completely misquoted and taken out of context too. All they have done is taken a tiny snapshot that seems to be wrong and not actually bothered reading the rest of the passages around it. Not once does the Bible condone rape or murder. What actually happen in text on that site was just the israelites claiming back their own land.
they were defeated and taken into slavery by the Egyptians during which time their possesions and land were stolen.
While 'arranged' marriages are far from ideal there are many respected 'religions' today that still practice them... do you cry rape over that? NO! Why?
Have a read of the Quran and then tell me how evil the Bible is... But before you do read the New Testatment, because that is what its all about. :p
Anyway I am a not for religion, I just have a faith.
As for King Herods death thats pretty irrelevant. The slaughter of new born males actually took place over a number of years after his order. His order was based on prophecies given in waht is now the Old Testament. He was never certain when Jesus would be born and where so he killed everyelse that could've been the prophesied Messiah.