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Everything posted by Camel

  1. You will be :evil: Anyone gonna join, I don't wanna win because I'm on my own, I want someone to beat. :cheeky:
  2. Well the start of the new season is almost upon us and seeing as though no one else has created TDUCk its very own league I've gone ahead and done it. Go ahead and join the fantasy premier league website here and create your own team. To join our league once you've completed your team click here and then click "Join a league." Choose "Private League" and then enter the following code: 613369-159993 Don't worry, you don't need to know much, or well, anything about teams you don't support in order to win the league. I won it last year and I'm well, I'm me. :D So you all have a good chance at winning, unless you're Scottish and are also called Diablo.. Get ready for the start of the season on the 13th of August!
  3. The launching is fine. It's just the fact that none of the guns I have can kill anyone properly. I can be stood right behind an enemy that's not moving and shoot 10 to 15 bullets into their back before they die or turn around and kill me. Yet I get killed after 2 or 3 hits on me by the same weapons. I don't know what's wrong with it but something isn't right and I'm up for not getting the game now and saving the cash instead. BF was and still is fine. *shrug*
  4. Don't get your hopes up.
  5. No, that's just Sony taking their time to approve it. I'm half expecting it to be up on the PSN Store shortly after Sony have approved it and not 3 weeks after.
  6. How can you go so sideways and not spin? I spin as soon as I even think about tying to turn. I'm terrible at LFS apart from the Mini copy, I'm awesome in that. :lol:
  7. :hello:
  8. Wow. *insert sexist comment here* :cheeky: Joking btw!
  9. Wow, and it's only taken 18 weeks for it to arrive! I must say that is brilliant for Atari, they are actually improving. So should we expect to see the next DLC/patch around Christmas?
  10. Yea, and even then you have to hope someone on your friends list doesn't beat your time in the CRC and nick you money. I used one of the free 1 month trials that you get with every Xbox.
  11. 24 is plenty to get all your mates in and have a good match. Never had any problems with BC2, they were always fun matches apart from when the server wouldn't let more than 4 or 5 players join a game. I never used to play the 64 player maps on BF2 because it was too crowded and lagged quite a bit more.
  12. They do make pink LEDs so if you knew the specs of the ones in your case you could change them. I'd say it's worth it. :p
  13. That looks... bright. :eek: It'd distract me from my TV.
  14. zo6dude
  15. You'll have to wait till you can order it from Steam like you said. :locked:
  16. No point upgrading within the same series as you'll not notice much difference. I don't think the next lot of cards are too far away now.
  17. Sounds quite wasteful to me. :hmmm:
  18. That place worries me, most people there make me worry about the future of this planet... So I tend to stay away.
  19. Nope, he's on holiday or something for a while. Don't see anything stopping someone else from doing it till he's back if you've got the time though.
  20. :sulk:
  21. I hope it's a positive fridge, and not going to be dropped by a DHL plane.
  22. This is broken. Unless we've changed already to [ARG:2 UNDEFINED]. :hmmm:
  23. Welcome to the dark light dark, light? side. :welcome: Teeth please!
  24. :welcome: This is a common problem for new folk at TDUCk. It often happens when you forget to deposit your teeth in the box in the circular room with no doors when you first arrived here.
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