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Everything posted by Camel

  1. Sicily is Italian. :p And there are a lot of Greek islands that could be used as they are quite small.
  2. Isn't the Gallardo Coupe an exclusive car? They are no longer available and even if someone could glitch it onto trade, you wouldn't be able to use it because you don't have the license on your Xbox.
  3. -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --
  4. ^ Yea, I can turn all of the fans off in mine and keep temps under 35C for everything if I'm only on the web or doing coursework. Nice and peaceful having a very cool and quiet PC.
  5. Please don't provide links to other sites where you have to register before you can download. Thanks.
  6. Lol, Diablo, you Samsung fanthing. Nice TV and it won't make Forza 3 fun because it's a boring game after 10 minutes. :p
  7. Zante(Zakynthos) Would make a good DLC island. Plenty or roads and it's only 400KM² so it wouldn't be too large to offer as DLC.
  8. ^^ Thanks for finding that, I was looking for it but couldn't find it anywhere, not even on the server where the rest of the images are.
  9. Might be worth reinstalling the game.
  10. Do you really need to overclock your computer? If not then it's pretty stupid to do as it causes increased voltages and more heat which in turn can lower the lifespa of your hardware. While 70C might be fine for your CPU it won't be for your motherboard and could be overheating it around the CPU area.
  11. Set your graphics drivers back to the default game settings, then run with just 4xAA ingame and see what the images look like then. If they look fine with the driver settings not being forced, then slowly add one setting at a time to find out which is causing the images to come out like that.
  12. It's a place where I'd like to be. :p Fed up of England.
  13. We're on BST in the UK at the moment which is the same as GMT+1. So what Mb said was correct.
  14. It would be good for those of you who have it. But I don't see them spending time on a feature that a tiny proportion of players will be able to use when they could spend the time working on other areas improving them.
  15. You already have a thread about this here. Don't make anymore threads regarding this issue. Thanks. :locked:
  16. Thanks! The ever so lovely Mike made it for me though. :)

  17. Please post threads regarding TDU mods in the mod shop and not in the TDU Central questions and feedback area. Thanks.
  18. I said that because I'm used to people thinking they know how to do it and then they try it and break something in their computer and moan about it like it's not their fault. And I'm the same, mine is 3.2 at stock but at the moment it's underclocked to keep it around 20C and lower the power usage. Every computer will handle overclocking differently, even if they have the exact same components inside them.
  19. It does seem to be that way. Like the driving schools in GT4 but a lot less strict and more relaxed.
  20. Looks like you had a productive day at work!
  21. Camel


    Hey David, welcome to the forum!
  22. I think he has the i7 920. So the stock is 2.66Ghz. A .5Ghz overclock isn't bad but try reaching a full 1Ghz like me. Or maybe not if you don't know what you're doing. :p I don't run my CPU overclocked unless I need the extra speed and don't mind turning my fans up.
  23. Apple isn't owned by Microsoft. :oook:
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