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Everything posted by Camel

  1. I just got this today and installed it onto my laptop. It ran pretty well on full settings and looked really good. Although I don't recommend using a keyboard for it. If I have time tomorrow I'll install it on my desktop and use my G25 and give it a proper go. It was good fun though, even on my laptop with a keyboard.
  2. The new screens shots were added 2 days ago. For some reason, Americans put the month before the day in their dates.
  3. That's not the second trailer, it's just an interview with clips being used from the first and only trailer so far. And to the person a bit further up, no, the carlist hasn't been announced and won't be for some time. But when it is, it'll updated in the carlist thread in this section.
  4. They are indeed just provisional release dates as no retailers know when the game will be released.
  5. Same as the other two. The Queens shot is just :eek:
  6. It was already a bit broken but was in one piece still. Some of the plastic inside keeping the top and bottom together was broken. So when a certain someone merely dropped the pad it kinda broke open properly.
  7. Do you have a legal copy of the game? If not, there is no way you can get online. And did you install the patch whilst the game was running? If so, you need to uninstall the game then install it again. make sure the game is not running then install the 1.66a patch.
  8. If you'd of seen the pre-production concept art you'd know that the trailer park idea was thought up a long time ago by the game devs and could well still be in the game. The rags to riches idea would also add longevity to the game as it would make you work for all the "exclusive" items in the game such as the big houses, yacht, expensive cars etc. Giving you access to them from the beginning would shorten the game quite a lot as most people wouldn't even go for the slower cars or smaller houses. Just my thoughts on it.
  9. Hey there! Welcome to the dark side of the internets :evil: :hello:
  10. Yep, that's right, my Xbox pad died a painful death. :sulk: And it wasn't even me that broke it. >.< 3 and a half years of being an awesome pad. :) Then boom. :(
  11. Lovely shots and car, makes me want to get TDU PC again.
  12. The developers also aren't too happy with the trailer and people who have reviewed the game also share an opinion that the trailer doesn't do the game any justice.
  13. By the way Steveogoto, my post is not spam like you reported it to be. As Eden/Atari/NBP have not announced the release date for the game. Different retailers have different release dates for the game. Some even said December 31st. Watch the latest videos with the senior designer for the game and also look on the official TDU2 forums. E: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_3_9?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=test+drive+unlimited+2&x=0&y=0&sprefix=test+driv http://www.play.com/Games/Xbox360/4-/14259171/Test-Drive-Unlimited-2/Product.html
  14. The official release date has not been announced yet and no retailers know when the game will be out, other than Q4 this year.
  15. :locked:
  16. Hey, I've just given you a modder badge seeing as you have made quite a few good mods now. Enjoy.

  17. Hey Dragos, welcome to TDUCk! :hello:
  18. Where's B when you need him? :p
  19. Lees' twitter account and TDU2.fr are two totally separate things. TDU2.fr is not an official TDU2 site either so they can out up whatever they like in their banner whether it is related for TDU2 or not.
  20. I think the person ho asked it meant whether or not the roofs all moved in unique ways. As in folding at different points, different speeds etc.
  21. Welcome to the forum! Glad you liked it enough to register. What do you play TDU on? As you might like to add your online name here so we can find you.
  22. Also expanding on the above post, the video will have been compressed from the original source and you can see that as the quality of the video is quite low, even the HD one is. That doesn't have anything to do with the quality of the game.
  23. It'd be so much easier if you could edit it for me. :p E: Cleaned up the list, removed questions that will not be asked to avoid wasting time on other questions or questions that have already been answered.
  24. I think it's be possible to have the game on one DVD for the Xbox. TDU1 was only 3.4GB on the xbox 360 and that included everything. So they is plenty of room to add a second smaller island and new cars. You also need to remember that TDU was made 4 years ago now and that they can more than likely compress TDU2 more than they could with TDU1. But we'll soon see if that's the case or not.
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