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Everything posted by Camel

  1. Oi, I do have to blink sometimes you know. Must of missed it in that split second. >.<
  2. That. Is. :drool: I love the paint job on it.
  3. No, no you won't. Or you'll be blue no more. :cheeky:
  4. :modwork: Thread cleaned. And Tool, don't start arguing the toss with someone because you want to. So what he downloaded one of your mods, isn't that what you want people to do? There is nothing wrong with comparing your own work with someone elses work, it's not like he was stealing your work. If you start arguing again you will find yourself being banned or put in the moderated usergroup as I will no longer tolerate you.
  5. No, no you don't*
  6. What he said. ^ :locked:
  7. t. for me too.
  8. Don't start spamming, again. There is no need to keep on posting in this thread, it's not going to get you anywhere. :locked:
  9. Yea, well shurrup. >.<
  10. I suppose.
  11. 350KB max!
  12. Deleting your post an entering it again while it is still above 350KB does not mean that it will get entered. They must be under 350KB.
  13. At 440KB it won't get entered. Read the rules.
  14. What happened to B? He's been awfully quiet these last few months.
  15. Pahaha, sorry. :p Turns out my TV wasn't broken, just needed a new fuse. But how was I meant to know after 4 hours of sleep. Dx
  16. Errr yea, :locked:
  17. :lol:
  18. Ahhh it's gonna be a real crappy day today. 6AM and I have really bad stomach ache and cramps, couldn't even stand up properly. Then 5 minutes after I put my TV on because I can't get to sleep, *pop* I think it broke. And it's only 6AM >.<
  19. :hello:
  20. No need to pay much attention to the rated speed, it's because it's AMD. The graphics card is the most important thing for TDU and it is quite an old one. So I'd think it will only manage low settings. But the only way to find out is to play the game and adjust the settings to see what is playable.
  21. The breakfast ladies are annoying. They don't tell you what you can get until just before breakfast is served.
  22. You should try being on the toilet when there's an earthquake, it's somewhat confusing.
  23. Max out, no chance. Probably not even near, sorry. If you want a rough idea, look here.
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