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Everything posted by Camel

  1. My breakfast is much tastier today too. I think the extra milk helped :)
  2. To embed a youtube video, all you need to do is take the code after watch?v= and then paste it in the TUBE tags on here. Example: [plain]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b95WRSAKz8s[/plain]
  3. No way! I did too xD :leaves:
  4. The released mods section is for released mods only. Read the section descriptions please. Thread moved.
  5. :welcome:!
  6. I think I'll go and get me some breakfast in a moment. :)
  7. My dad will be getting it, but I'm sure he won't mind if I borrow it occasionally. Lol
  8. The more you moan, the longer you will have to wait. It's only a forum post count, it is meaningless. Just forget about it and one day you'll come on and see your post count back.
  9. -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- Just add a ".th" before .jpg [plain]-- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --[/plain]
  10. Just keep an eye on the filesizes. Thanks!
  11. I missed my breakfast today. And I can't be bothered to eat the breakfast that has nearly run out. :(
  12. *sigh* Don't post any information relating to the Beta. It doesn't matter whether it's just information, videos pictures or links to them, just don't post them.
  13. Camel


  14. It's still better than being 3 years late.
  15. I don't know but I've seen stranger things happen around these parts.
  16. You need to give them a stronger hint. ;)
  17. But they take the BMW chassis and crapify it though don't they?
  18. :locked:
  19. What he (she? :cheeky:) said. :locked:
  20. If you uninstall via the control panel, then it will remove all of the registry keys related to the game.
  21. :welcome: to TDUCk! Please leave your teeth in the basket of your choice providing that you provide the basket in which you will leave your teeth.
  22. ^^ Post only one shot or it may not get entered.
  23. The Offspring, well, I got lazy earlier and played through their 4 latest albums. And this was the last song I listened to. :lol: Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, cinco, seis
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