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Everything posted by Camel

  1. *wants a Shepperds/cottage pie* But it looks a bit blurry and has noise on it.
  2. Are you sure the game wasn't minimized? You can be on the desktop, but you're game can still be running in the background.
  3. And here are the last 20 old ones. Sad to see them go. xD
  4. Welcome to TDUCk! :hello:
  5. This is an English speaking forum, provide an English translation please.
  6. Rafal, Photoshopping is not allowed.
  7. :welcome:
  8. If you had a legal copy of the game it would've wrote in the system registry telling your computer that the game is installed. What you have explained is what happens when you download a certain copy of TDU from the internet. You won't get any help here unless you have paid for the game.
  9. Great shots and nice Porsche. Did you get that from here?
  10. You'll need to buy the game and support the developers before you'll get help here.
  11. :damnit: E: Who permanently deleted Ryzza's post? It annoys me when people do that when I post after them. :mad:
  12. Where did you get the game from?
  13. I hope this is ok, if not just tell me and I'll change it. E: Seeing as though my other one didn't count, I'll use this for now till I get a new shot. >.<
  14. I know, but if I made my 3 united players my subs until tonight, I could've got an extra 10 points from my 4 current subs.
  15. I'll be like that after a week or two. Or at the latest when I start back at College. Or maybe I'll do it when I'm at College. hmm
  16. Where is Norway and what is it? :p :welcome:
  17. Welcome to TDUCk. :hello:
  18. Yep, I forgot about it and left my 3 united players in my team over the weekend. Lost out on about 10 points. >.<
  19. Nice, but I think some of them would look better if you didn't 'shop them all.
  20. Any chance you could actually say where you saw it?
  21. I could change it, but if I change it, you don't get a choice in what you get called. :evil:
  22. *wants* The back end looks like a sad smiley face xD
  23. Seeing as though nobody commented because they were so bad, take this! More old pics. xD :lol:
  24. Both TDU2 and F1 2010 were set to release on September 24th this year. I was going to get both anyway because I preordered F1 when it was cheap. At least I'll still have a racing game to go on.
  25. EK, just stunning.
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