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Everything posted by Camel

  1. Yea, well, so's ya face. :(

  2. It looks good, kinda like a TDU/MC:LA hybrid. I might get it depending on what the physics are like. If it's a total arcade racer I won't bother with it unless some mates get it. Or if it comes out around the same time as TDU2, I won't get it no matter what it's like. :p
  3. For once you speak sense. :cheeky: Yes, he used a few parts from another image, but he didn't rip off the other image that he took some parts from. He used the same original picture as everyone else. I also have found the below image in my history, it's an early WIP that he sent me to ask me what colour it was. It shows that he'd already worked on the car before he took some parts off of the other image in question. http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x6/carmadmike/Scirocco1.jpg Nowhere in the rules do I see a mentioning of any body else's Photoshops and what you aren't allowed to do with them. And some of you keep throwing comments up about professional Photoshopping communities. Now I don't know if you've noticed this or not, but this forum is not about Photoshopping and many people here do not share the same ideas about this so called stealing. And who knows, another one of the entrants might've used parts from another Photoshopped image but you haven't mentioned that or even looked into that. The same goes for entrants from the other 34 competitions. He hasn't broke the rules or stolen somebody else's work and tried to pass it off as his own. So I don't see why some of you are wanting him to be disqualified. If you don't want this to happen again, I suggest you change the rules to better suit your thoughts about this.
  4. Stop posting images that are over 350KB now. I left a modedit on your last post and I know that you read it as you deleted it. Anymore images over 350KB that you post will be deleted from your post seeing as though that's what you do to modedits and don't take notice of them. And yes, you were one of the people abusing a certain image host and got it banned.
  5. Thanks for scanning this, I was going to get it today and scan it but I saw this before lunch. Thanks! It's a shame they didn't really go into what they thought about the game after a hands on experience playing it.
  6. Welcome! :hello:
  7. :hello:
  8. Looks like a Jag XKR to me.
  9. Well hello there! Please leave your teeth in the duck beside the circle room on Baldy's head.
  10. I'll have a look around town tomorrow on my lunch and try to scan it at college if the scanner is working. That is if I don't go to the pub of course. Lol
  11. Camel

    My French Tank

    Nice car, it looks in great nick, especially for £300. :eek: What's the insurance like for it?
  12. Argh, Twitter confuses me, why can't they display the conversations between two people in one page? It's be easier to see the flow and time when messages were posted. I always get them mixed up. >.<
  13. Some people are just like that on the interwebs. It's best just to take no notice of their post. But then again, we have people posting up the same news that's either in the first post itself or in a recent post on the same page.
  14. Was stuck between EK and CMM but went for CMM as it looked more like something that somebody would actually do, more realistic.
  15. Hallo thar my 3rd favourite Admin. :p This looks interesting. Clickidy click click!

  16. :hello: Welcome to the duck.
  17. Saturday could be a possibility, but I highly doubt it though.
  18. I don't think that we will the above image in a trailer as that image is quite old now. But I personally think that it would be quite cool, and would portray that the game is now more than just supercars and tarmac.
  19. Yet another person failing to even read the first post. We have quite a few questions now and people are still asking insensible questions and repeating them over and over. :locked:
  20. Woops, I forgot to vote. *votes* 16-0-0 I think it's a yes then. :)
  21. Didn't think Marilyn Manson would of been your cup of tea...
  22. :hello: Welcome to the great duck of awesomeness.
  23. Yea, as I've already explained to him and several other people. Some members were using this host to host images that were way over the filesize limit and the only way to see their size was too either download each image or copy the image location and paste in another tab. Quite a few members who weren't German and who couldn't even speak a single word of German were using the host for their images to break the rules. And would no stop after several PMs about it.
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