Well...to start off, I liked the beginning, and the Ferrari sound while it was driving in the cut-scene was a tease since the car's sound in the game sounds nothing like that. I found the graphics pretty good, well at least the environment graphics. The car models were good, but they seem like toys rather than actual cars. I thought that the physics are crappy at best, i'm really not a fan of how the cars feel; way too arcade-ish. I have also found many bugs (I fell into a hole at the entrance of a tunnel, the high beams don't produce any bright light just a black line across the screen for a second.) Then here are little things like no seat adjustment, head turning in cockpit, there's wheel spin even when I apply the smallest amount of throttle, and the brakes seem very unnatural.
But, I like the story line, found it interesting. I really like the weather, I think they got that perfectly right. I'm in love with the scenery of the Ibiza, absolutely stunning! And, I love that we got things such as headlights and indicators.
Overall, I gave the game a 6/10 because I like it , but it fell below my expectations. I feel as though they went a step backward rather than forward and feel that the game isn't as good as it could for the 4+ years Atari had to develop the game.
I'm praying that there will be a MAJOR patch that will hopefully solve most of the issues the game has.
Like I said many times before, the game has A LOT of potential to be the greatest, it just needs more work put into it before it can get there.