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Everything posted by DriftNismo

  1. Now that i think about it, you're right. Evos and Scoobies must have beaten that time before.
  2. I'm number #223185. Looks quite cool.
  3. Lmao, nice. Btw, how rare are 911 Turbo Roadsters? I saw a black one today and i remember they were pretty rare. Would still rather have a Focus RS though :D:D.
  4. Number 1/20 of the 20 Lamborghini Reventons built for sale has arrived at a dealership in Las Vegas: http://www.worldcarfans.com/9080512.001/first-lamborghini-reventon-arrives-in-las-vegas They're thinking around the $2 million marker but i reckon it'll go for much more. I want one soooooooo much :D:D:D:D.
  5. Sounds nice, but like like Hybrid said, what Ferrari doesn't? In a weeks time we'll get to see it though (well, those who registered), can't wait.
  6. Happy Birthday mate! Hope you had a good one, have a beer from me :D.
  7. My b-day :D:D. I've always wondered what the 911 Turbo wheel was like, but haven't bought one because... well, why would i when i have a G25? :p
  8. That's brilliant. I love american cars though, probably one of the reasons why i hate Top Gear.
  9. DriftNismo

    Car Restoration

    Yeah it is. And KTF67 is right, Challengers are very rare to find out of the US, you're lucky to be getting one. Unfortunately, i don't know too much about Challengers though, i've only ever been around Chargers :D. But the best of luck to you on your restoration. RamboMC is right, it does take a lot of money and a LOT of commitment, but it is so worth it in the end.
  10. You really should jailbreak it soon, i jail-broke my 32GB one awhile a go (running jail-broken 1.1.4 firmware) and it's so much more fun jail-broken, especially with NES emulator and TTR :D. You can also use it as a phone, i do it sometimes with VoIP. On Saturday i bought some new Nike SB P-Rod 2 Zoom Airs and am loving 'em! :D EDIT: Just something you should know before you jail-brake it: If your iTouch at any point in it's life suddenly stops working you will have to buy a new one, because it voids your warranty, i've already looked it up. And they don't repair it for natural causes (stupidly) such as fire or water damage, but the way they check for water damage is they look inside where the headphones plug into. If it has been broken by water damage, it changes colour in there, so if you damage yours by water just get some tissue or something and clean it out so it goes back to the original colour, they don't know it has been effected by water that way. Also, after 90 days of the first switch on, iPod Touches sometimes brick (hardly ever, but it has happened more than once, but it probably won't happen). If you send it off to Apple to get it fixed if that happens and it is jail-broken, they will NOT repair it as it voids the warranty and you can't restore the original firmware before the 90 days are up so if it brakes they will repair it because they CAN see that non-Apple firmware has been installed on it in the past so again, they won't repair it.
  11. Indeed it did, a shame i haven't got the megapack yet :(. I don't think anything drifts better than my 350Z though :p.
  12. Yeah, the cab driver always throws stuff out the window when i'm in it :D.
  13. I don't know yet, i'm going to wait for more people before i start it. When i start it, i'll update the first post with all the information.
  14. Hey man, welcome to TDU:C! You're lucky working in a garage, i want to but i'm not allowed due to heavy machinary and stuff, it's annoying. Well, have fun! Feel free to PM me if you need any help with anything! :D
  15. Sorry, different time-zones, was at school :D. We'll have to arrange a drift session soon. Btw, i jumped off that very same building earlier but didn't reach the ground, hit a ledge close to the ground instead :p.
  16. Seriously, calm down about it, you'll see why it's not worth all the distress you're getting into when you get it. And why not just go down to GAME or something? They all have them back in stock around me, so you should go check.
  17. :o I loved the games, they were awesome. Hopefully that will be good and doesn't ruin the memory of the games like Hitman did :p.
  18. Is the Sultan RS parked up in the bushes behind the garage of the abandoned mansion on the 3rd island the same as any other Sultan RS? I've not had one yet apart from that one and it's very quick and sounds brilliant.
  19. Ok, looks like we have 7 people (including me), let's see how many more we get first before i start it.
  20. Just came off it, just did one drift race with the S15. Sounds are good, graphics are stunning, drifting seems strange. Will have a longer play of it tomorrow. That's if GTA:IV lets me :D.
  21. They have a thread like this on another forum i go on, so i thought i'd post one here :D. I'll Start: Up until about a month ago i thought Iced owned TDU:C :D.
  22. Nah, PS3 as well, i'm downloading the demo now.
  23. While on the Playstation Europe site, i came across this article: http://uk.playstation.com/ps3/hardware/features/detail/item97932/Playmates/ Am i missing something? Is PlayTV already out or something? I am very excited right now :D. Anyone got any information on it?
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