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Everything posted by Leadfoot[YT]

  1. @SB: I was asking my dad about how to get those star shots, and he said the best way to get a detailed and "full" sky was to use a tracking rig. Is that what you use? And any tips for getting shots like that? -Leadfoot
  2. Very crisp, very nice. :) Tasteful... changes, too. ;) -Leadfoot
  3. That's not what I... never mind. :cheeky: Like this: http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/7672/scoobavatar.png (You would have to view it on a different color background, like the gray of your account page, to see the message). -Leadfoot

    1. It looks like it wouldn't mount flat (or be legible) if it were mounted on the car. Also, damage to the front bumper and all might be an issue to owners. :hmmm: -Leadfoot
    2. I did quite the double take with your avatar. You know what you should do, though, is make a design in "Forum Background White" (or a message or something) and make the rest transparent. Save as a .png, and it'll be a nice surprise when people click on your page. ;) Just one of those "I've been editing for five hours and can't think straight" thoughts. :cheeky: -Leadfoot

      1. The G25 had been mounted on the keyboard tray (because it can be slid back and underneath the desk, which helped a lot, but didn't solve the keyboard being at strange angles). Here's a pic (from this thread): -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- And I'm sorry I called your dog a cat in the chatbox. :whistle: -Leadfoot
      2. Those rims are a love or hate deal; I'm imagining it as a track car, so I love them. Excellent selective coloring, by the way. :) -Leadfoot
      3. @Ryzza: Must be great for GT5. ;) I just put my G25 away, too. When I'm spending hours and hours editing vids and pictures, my fingers thank me; before, I'd been doing a sort of one-arm-over-the-wheel thing, with the keyboard at a wacky angle. :p -Leadfoot
      4. Love the reflections, and the detail on the interior shots (it's not just the game - lighting and camera settings are what make it good). :) It's crazy that Sony didn't include interiors as a real option. -Leadfoot
      5. Nice shots, this one especially (though I'm partial to low-down side shots of moving cars :cheeky: ). Looks like it was a fun virtual photoshoot. ;) -Leadfoot
      6. Nice choices of edits on this one. :) And was that thin line around the wheel your creation or a trick of the light? It looks cool. :) -Leadfoot
      7. :thumbsup: Nice! Is it a stick? There was a guy on Stanceworks who replaced the "V" on the badge with an "L" from another badge, thus creating... the "LOLVO." :yawn: -Leadfoot
      8. Thanks, Baldy! :D -Leadfoot

        1. Hey, thanks! :) -Leadfoot

          1. Anything from the NFS: Hot Pursuit 2 soundtrack. ^Still listen to this regularly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ckwKJO7Cdo Oh, nostalgia. :) -Leadfoot
          2. Thanks, guys! :) Thanks. Yeah, I see all the pictures everyone here takes in London, the Nurburgring and elsewhere, and it's easy to forget that it's not bad for car spotting over here. ;) As for those shots, I use a camera slider. :) -Leadfoot
          3. :D Thanks, Daniel! -Leadfoot

            1. Hey, thanks! :D -Leadfoot

              1. You know that owner of the Ferrari? :eek: -Leadfoot
              2. No wonder he thinks the GTI is too slow. And yes, the AWD R32 probably has "got grip." :cheeky: -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- ^A Reventon, a CCX, an Enzo, a CLK-GTR, and an FXX. :drool: -Leadfoot
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