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Everything posted by GTAMADDOG

  1. They might not need to advertise to people like us who know a bit about computers but for the people who know nothing about computers and their components who just want to go on the internet and look at emails and Facebook/Twitter I suspect they kind of look like one of those strange branded baked beans you see in a supermarket made by someone you've never heard of, so unless you're feeling adventurous you're not going to pick them. When my mum and her partner were looking for a laptop is a case in point. I asked them to look at a laptop which had an AMD CPU and the first thing they said was "What's this AMD? Are they any good?" and I had to spend 10 more minutes in PC World than I would've liked explaining things about AMD. They still got an Intel CPU based laptop in the end.
  2. People who don't know alot about computers buy a computer from the likes of PC World and such are most likely going to end up with an Intel based system. This is going by the last time I looked around PC World, I don't know what the situation is now. It could also be down to the fact that Intel actually advertise themselves on TV (The Discovery Channel's are filled with their "Sponsored By Intel" adverts at the moment) where as I don't think I've ever seen an AMD advert on the TV. It's also the same with laptops on the whole. There are no-where near as many AMD based laptops as there are Intel. Then you've got the people like most of us who know a bit about computers and recognise the pro's and con's between AMD and Intel CPUs. I suspect if AMD were to try and get their CPUs into more pre-built desktop PCs and laptops as well as advertising a bit more then they might catch up a bit with Intel.
  3. Yeh, I spoilt myself and got a 16GB 3GS. I did contemplate buying a 16GB 3G from some guy who said it was running on iOS 4.1 as well as it ran on iOS 3.x.x but I didn't want to risk it. Got the 3GS from some eBay shop which only sells iPhones and everyone who'd purchased one from them seemed more than happy so I trusted them a bit more. As I think I said in a previous post my friend from college has a 3G and he said his ran iOS 4 fine but I get the feeling it's just luck of the draw.
  4. Lmao. I love those kinds of things. The face just made me laugh then I was like "Woah! Crazy days!". I almost got the image to stay still as well by staring at it but the circles around the face keep moving anyway :p
  5. Schweeet. Double post... So, yeh. I'm a fool (Maybe) and I just bought an iPhone.
  6. Potholes are an absolute menace. I don't understand how councils can't see what effect that potholes have on the safety of road users, especially cyclists/motor-cyclists. I know it's quite expensive and sometimes awkward to repair them but I don't see why it needs to take an accident or a buckled wheel before they even consider filling them in. You can't put a price on a life. But anyway, I hope you have a speedy recovery. It's definitely not a nice situation to go through.
  7. The interior choice is... interesting. Not to my tastes because I'm dull but I admire the boldness. Over all a very nice car, though. The amount of rear legroom is just :drool:
  8. Thanks, I thought that might be the case. I'm swaying towards the 3GS but every extra £ is punching a hole in my bank account. Buying an iPhone for £200-£300 and getting my car sorted out which will cost £400 is eating into my savings. I'll probably just buy it anyway because I'm a fool.
  9. It did make me laugh, I must say. I was in the Totnes area for the last seven days. Only just missed you :p Traffic was driving me nuts though. They decided to put roadworks every where at the same time.
  10. iPhone conundrum.. I'm looking at getting a 3G because I'm poor and can't afford an iPhone 4 and I'd like to know if anyone has had any issues with ios4 on their 3G hand-set. I'm looking on eBay at used/refurbished/as new unlocked phones because they can easily be had for £200-£300. But I keep reading that the 3G is no where near as good with ios4 as the 3GS. Is there really that much difference and is it really a problem? My friend has an iPhone 3G and says his works with ios4.0.2 fine. But I keep reading that the 3G is pig-slow with ios4. The 3G I'm looking at comes boxed as new with all the accessories but the 3GS which is £30 more expensive only comes with a Sync cable, but is still in as-new condition. But to be honest I hate iPod earphones and I already have a Sync cable and wall charger which the Sync cable plugs into. The 3GS's seller has sold quite alot of iPhones and all his customers seem very pleased. The seller of the 3G is just a normal person who has upgraded and seems very trust-worthy and can actually construct a sentence and spell on eBay unlike a lot of people and also has 100% positive feedback.
  11. I'm enjoying F1 2010 more than I expected to. Racing in the rain is pretty epic. I'm suprised more people aren't discussing it on TDUC. Dead Rising 2 will be my next purchase. Loved the original Dead Rising (albeit the demo version) on my Xbox. Should be a lot of mindless violence which I crave.
  12. Errrr.. http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/P1010511.jpg I'unno :confused: I've got a few more if it's not quite what was expected.
  13. Egg-face.. I seriously don't understand how people can still be saying anything to do with breakfast, including saying they've got into it. Especially when over the last ten pages it must have been mentioned about fourty times that you're better off not saying anything about it at all. All of this speculation is hilarious as well. Will stuff be changed or wont it? Who the Hell knows? I doubt even the people who eat Breakfast know. Infact I doubt even Kelloggs know yet. "They aren't getting my money now" - Waahh waahh. Care-O-Meter is at 0%. Yes, I did wake up on the wrong side of an undeniably woeful bed this morning.
  14. Jaguar XK-R Jaguar E-Type Convertable Audi TT-S Porsche Cayenne GTS Porsche Carrera 4S Porsche 911 Turbo Ford Focus RS. In white and looks much better than that stupid green colour. I'm guessing it's also been lol-mapped as well because it says something about 370BHP in a few places unless it's owned by a chav who's been to Halfrauds recently. Pictures to come on the weekend when I'm not on mobile-nets.
  15. Just to annoy people (I don't have any photographs :p): - Ford Focus RS500 - Vauxhall VXR8 - Aston Martin DB9 Oh and a 'Ferrari F40' which I highly suspect was a Toyota MR2 kit-car type thing seeing as it looked quite rough around the edges and sounded pretty rubbish too, although it was only ticking over but I'm pretty sure it wasn't an F40. I'm in the Torquay area for a week so hopefully there will be more rarer cars here than back home.
  16. This. I seriously want one of these.
  17. Clint for me as well. I'm a sucker for a Shark-Nose BMW. That'll do 250,000 miles no problem and it looks ace.
  18. Cheers everyone. I went out last night and I'm going out again tonight but it's been a pretty chilled (but good) birthday.
  19. The vehicle handling can always change. That's the whole point of a Beta. Find out the tester's views and if they don't like something then they can change it ready for the final product. There's nothing to be worried about at this point in time. Unfortunately we still have quite a few months until we can all play it and upload as many videos to YouTube as we like.
  20. I too remember it like it was yesterday and my memory is quite shocking. I was at primary school, couldn't wait to be picked up by my nan like usual so I could go back to her house and watch some classic cartoons. I got in the car and she said "You won't be able to watch the TV today because your grandad is watching the news because something bad has happened in America". I thought nothing more of it until I got back to my nan's house and saw what was on the TV. Even back then I was shocked, but I couldn't comprehend what was actually happening. Watching some of the documentaries which are on the television now about it really do bring it home how bad it was. The one called "112 Minutes That Changed America" makes it seem like an Apocalyptic nightmare. I also remember the day of the bombings in London. I was at the dentist having a tooth pulled out at the time. Got back to my nans to see London plastered all over the news. Just shocking. R.I.P. To all of those who lost their lives in those events.
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