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Everything posted by GTAMADDOG

  1. Pretty much. I heard and saw the Citroen C3 flying down the road towards the roundabout and thought "Oh God, another person with the 'There's nothing as fast as a hire car' mentality" then I turned around to have a drink. Then I heard a seriously loud bang and skidding, swung my head around to see the BMW fly through a sign and land with a bounce sideways and to see the Citroen roll to a stop. I thought it was pretty serious at first as did everyone else because there was tons of smoke and both the cars horns were going off constantly and no-one seemed to be moving but they all got out and stood at the side of the road after about 20 seconds.
  2. Ha ha, nah. There's always a lazy-mans way around a mountain.. Take a beaten up Citroen C3 hire car: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/Image00013-10.jpg Plus a mountain road: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/Image00012-7.jpg And this: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/Image00011-8.jpg And you get this: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/Image00014-6.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/Image00015-4.jpg
  3. Nothin' Spesh. As always. The people of Tenerife seem to prefer driving around in 1.4 litre sheds instead of proper cars but nvm. Audi S5: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/Cars2/Image00009.jpg Porsche Carrera 4S: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/Cars2/Image00010.jpg Oh, and I saw a BMW 330i convertable which was on English plates which was quite a suprise. Also so a crazy accident while I was eating/drinking in an Irish bar on a Spannish island of all places. A Citroen C3 hire car came racing down the hill towards a roundabout, had no intention of stopping or looking for other cars. BMW 3 series came around the roundabout, C3 quite epicly t-boned the BMW and actually got the BMW air-born sideways and pushed it through a road sign before the BMW landed 20 foot from where it got hit. Both cars were obvious write-offs. The BMW's rear axle was complete toast, both of it's rear wheels were at impossible angles. The C3's front end was somehow pushed back and then sideways so it looked double it's normal width. Luckilly all the people involved were alright although there must've been a language barrier because three people got out of the BMW and stood at the side of the road and said nothing, probably in shock. Then two men got out of the C3 and did the same. No emergency services showed up at all which was weird considering the scale of the incident.
  4. Got back from Tenerife. Looked at my car, it's somehow covered in dead bugs like I'd been driving it all the time for the last week when it's actually been sat on the driveway doing nothing. I think my uncle's been out for some h00nage in it, well that would be a good explanation but I doubt he'd drive it uninsured. Might clean it tomorrow with some before and after pictures.
  5. Liking the depth in that. Well, I got back from Tenerife about an hour ago. Here's some from 200 metres down from the top of Mount Teide. You need a permit to go to the top and apparently the waiting time for one is two months, not really much difference in views though. Remember when people say something is "Breath-taking"? Well this actually was. Shame my ability to make horizons horizontal and general photography skills aren't. http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/Image00003-15.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/Image00004-16.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/Image00002-16.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/Image00007-11.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/Image00006-12.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/Image00005-13.jpg
  6. I do sometimes wonder if Atari reads these forums and see's that we're crying out to see new cars and decide to be evil by only showing us what we've already seen, just so they can laugh at us. Would they be so cruel? Has the World gone mad? Maybe we should try a bit of reverse psychology and start saying "YEH! Another Q7 screenshot! Awesome!".
  7. Tenerife so far... http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/P1010187.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/P1010200.jpg I'm meant to be going up Mt. Teide at some point, or at least some of it. Could be interesting.
  8. Would enter, but it's pointless me doing so. I wont be here to give out the new theme if by some miracle I did win.
  9. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. Why weren't any cars like these in London when I was. Fml.
  10. Great Technical Death Metal instrumental song. New album isn't as good as "Diminishing Between Worlds" though, from my point of view. Haven't heard one hair raising solo yet unless I haven't been paying enough attention. I'll be in trouble for posting that, apart from with the few Metal-heads on this forum.
  11. I've been considering getting one. But I also want loads of other things, like a drum kit and more computer parts so I don't think I'll be getting an Xbox 360 Slim this month anyway.
  12. Sounds like a good first car. I haven't had a personal experience with a Fiesta but I've heard nothing but good things about the 1.25 engine on other forums. It's always the most recommended car. Just don't turn it into a Barry Boy's Car ;)
  13. Ha ha. Train tickets. I keep them in my wallet and I have no idea why. I've only acquired a day pass for the London Underground and a single-way ticket to Cheltenham this year, though. I still have a London Underground ticket from about seven years ago.
  14. Pretty much the same thoughts here, too. Actual geniune laughs during that episode. During both the "Hair-Test" and the mobile-home parts. The way Clarkson's block of flats was swaying about as he drove around was comical. Great episode.
  15. If they were already testing on a "massive scale" and we, a forum with 1000s of members and TDU2.com with the same numbers hadn't had one person selected I don't see how that would work, and even if it was being tested by loads of people, word would have got out anyway. A delay is possible, I wouldn't want it from some points of views but from other points of view I would. Who knows? They could just be planning on a very small time scale for a Beta test. As in a week or two, not a whole month or something like that. Maybe they're confident enough that there shouldn't be that many bugs to find so a short Beta test is all that is needed or something along those lines. At the end of the day, all you can do is wait and be patient. It's been said time and time again. Speculating it and talking about it wont make the Beta come along any faster. If there is going to be one Atari will release it as and when they see fit.
  16. I've got it on the PC. That's as much use as a chocolate tea-pot to this thread. Oh wait.. Testing a Chocolate Teapot Some players are really dodgy, hit-reg is shocking. Last time I checked I was Level 9 or something. I really can't be bothered with it, the game that is, not the Chocolate Teapot.
  17. It's up to Atari when they release it, I guess. I don't care, personally TDU2 is one of my two must-get games this year along with Mafia 2. Anything else can wait, I don't really think NFS: Hot Pursuit and other games like it will reduce the sales that much considering Test Drive Unlimited's fan base.
  18. Pretty much agree with t., although I'm not a fan of most of the Dance/Trance scene. 90s Trance and Progressive Trance I can deal with but the stuff which is just the typical club music of nowadays which just sounds like complete repetative noise ("boom-tish-boom-tish-boom-tish-boooooooom-tish" for ten minutes) gets on my nerves. Custom radio stations are a must, though.
  19. Wouldn't be suprised if it's already been mentioned, but after last weeks Top Gear and the noise it made, I want the Maserati Quattroporte in the game.
  20. Damn and blast. I was praying for an easy victory :p
  21. Or go click on a section such as General, scroll to the bottom and you should find Display Settings. Have a gander at those and set it up how you want.
  22. Interesting car infront of the One-77 in the tunnel screen. Kind of looks like it has lights or something on the top of it, or that could just be my tired eyes.
  23. Go-Karting was something that sprung into my mind as soon as I read the first post. Personally I've never gone Go-Karting but I imaging it's a nice and easy/safer way to get the feel for the racing environment. It'll get you used to cornering techniques and all that stuff and once you become good enough word of mouth may get you some kind of sponsor or offer. I don't know, I'm not sure how Go-Karting works but try it first anyway and see how you get on. I personally wouldn't get a vehicle until I'm absolutely sure that a racing career is something I want to be involved in and can handle being a part of. Yeh, I know everyone will be thinking "What the hell is he talking about? That'd be teh bestest jobz evarz" but whatever. Don't waste money on a car only to get it on a track and think "I'm not too sure if this was a good idea and I've just spent X-amount of money getting me here".
  24. Firefox 3.6 for me. I tried Google Chrome on my dad's computer and thought it was a waste of time. Internet Explorer was alright, couldn't find anything wrong with it, but it wasn't brilliant either. Haven't tried the others, can't see the point. Firefox works fast and is easy to use from my perspective, I don't use addons so it's just as simple as anything else to use. When I install an operating system is the only time I use Internet Explorer, and that's just to download Firefox and I never touch Internet Explorer after that.
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