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Everything posted by GTAMADDOG

  1. I've never really used my PS3 for much else besides gaming and internet browsing. I use it to surf the internet when I'm too lazy to get out of bed. Other than that I think I've tried one DVD in it and a couple of days ago I linked it to my PC over my home network so I can listen to all of the music in my room, although I could do most of those things on my Xbox before it broke. I prefer the layout of the PS3 menus compared to the Xbox Dashboard anyway. The Xbox Dashboard just ended up confusing the hell out of me.
  2. The steering in all the cars I have driven has been different to the G25. The pedals are not like they are in real life either, contrary to what Logitech claim. The H-shifter is also not like most of the cars I have driven, it definitely isn't like Volkswagen gearboxes anyway. Clutches will have different biting points and all that malarky, the clutch in my Peugeot is quite stiff, alot stiffer than the G25 pedal, but I've got used to it now. The G25/27 will get you used to controlling them all properly at the same time but not the different feedback that each individual car will give in terms of wheel, pedals and gear shifting.
  3. Hurrr durrr. If each car had a varying fuel mileage on one tank you could do a Top Gear-esque MPG challenge and compare three cars to see which one would run out of fuel first, or which could cover a certain distance and use the least fuel. Or maybe I'm just boring.
  4. I was running 3.6GHz on a stock Intel cooler at one point. Although, that was on an E8400, temperatures were fine, stability was not - just my luck. I gave up with it in the end and clocked the CPU back down to 3GHz. As suggested, if you go on somewhere like the Overclockers.co.uk forums and go into their Overclocking section you will more than likely find someone with a very similar setup to yours wanting to do the same thing so you wont even have to sign up.
  5. I had MotorMax. It was OK. If I'm honest I found it to be slightly too arcadey in either mode. Hi/Lo gears made hardly any difference to me when I was 'off-roading' or mountain climbing.
  6. I'll just drive around in a load of beaten up cars. It doesn't bother me. I'll turn all my cars into Rat-Look cars if need be.
  7. Happy birthday, man. Sorry I can't come to your gathering on Saturday but I have had pre-arranged plans for quite a while. I hope you have a good day today and on Saturday, though. ;)
  8. Looks great so far. If I'm allowed to be slightly negative I was hoping to see a few more new cars from the trailer, but nevermind.
  9. I saw the aftermath of an epic accident this morning on the way to college. A VW Polo which looked (Key word there: Looked) exactly like my mums car which had pulled out of a junction, I'm guessing trying to beat the traffic on the main road but failed catastrophicly because it must of hit a car travelling on the main road and shunted it across one lane into a gas supply which later resulted in the surrounding area being evacuated for safety reasons. There was quite literally no front end left on the Polo and the other car didn't get an easy time either. There were bits of glass, rubber, metal and all sorts spread all over the road, it almost looked like a horror scene. No pictures obviously, as much as I like seeing some carnage I don't think it's right to take photographs of accidents which have just happened. There's a nice little twist to the "What You Saw Recently!" thread.
  10. Sweet. If it isn't released tomorrow I will be disappoint.
  11. A phone would just be annoying. As was proved on GTA IV. Yeh, I know you could 'silence' it but I kept forgetting to and ended up with worse friendships with people because I didn't want to go bowling with them or something rediculous. Obviously you wont be bowling on TDU2 but a mobile phone constantly ringing when you're trying to chill out to some classic tunes while cruising around would be pretty annoying. A Games For Windows Live sort of thing would be pretty decent, or just use GFWL. I don't know/remember how it works with which games can use it and which can't, I'm tired and I'm going to bed.
  12. I'd pretty much be happy with all of those. I really dislike the newer Evos, though. The Evo 6 is the last Evo I really liked.
  13. If I'm being honest I'd completely forgot that we were meant to be getting a trailer soon. I've slipped into the "It'll come when it comes" frame of mind. To be honest I'd rather not know about it so I don't have to put up with counting down days until its release.
  14. I know, I was just trying to be humorous. But as always my type of humor is never detected because it's weird and probably not funny outside of my strange mind. :p
  15. Oh my God. That song live and in High Definition? Sweet. [mod edit:] Please do not quote images, thanks!
  16. Wow. She/The player has 99/61 houses according to the Collection section (Hurr durr). I bet they're all pretty empty with only having sixteen pieces of furniture... Blatently hacking before the game has even been released.
  17. 16 people crusing at the same time as opposed to the 8 in TDU with "We" relating to a group. Cadillac Sixteen or Veyron. Are his signatures just giving clues on cars or anything to do with the game?
  18. So far I think the car I'm going to drive most will be the Lancia, then maybe the Q7. Oh, how I long for more common/slower cars..
  19. About average for my BT connection, I guess.
  20. The weird thing in the first picture is something I also have no idea about. It's something my mum bought to hang on her living room wall above her fire-place. I thought most of my London shots were pretty rubbish. I didn't feel like taking any photographs at Trafalgar Square because there were literally thousands of people there watching some out-door concert. Then the Animal Right's Protesters came along. The photograph of the London Eye and the following photograph were the only ones I took when I wasn't on the yellow Dukw (Pic. 9) tour. Obviously I wasn't on it when I was in my mum's living room or in her back garden, lol.
  21. Here's my lollerifically crap contribution to this thread.. http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/London%202010/P1000912.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/London%202010/P1000906.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/London%202010/P1000884.jpg Saw but didn't get pictures of: 2x Aston Martin DBS Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder x2 Aston Martin Vantage McLaren Mercedes SLR Jaguar E-Type x3 Bently Continental GT x3 Maserati Quatroporte Obligatory shed load of Porsche's I can't be bothered to list And a load of other crap. Cheer's London ;)
  22. Argh. I just wrote out some of my personal tips but then Firefox went and crashed because of Photobucket uploading some photographs... I'll shorten them down to bullet points because I really don't want to write out a long winded paragraph again.. Make the car the focal point of the image. Try and have the car positioned infront of a background that doesn't distract too much attention away from the car. If the above is not possible then get close and level with the car. E.g. crouch down near to the car. When doing the above take photographs of distinguishing features of the car. Try not to go over-board with the angles in your photography, people don't want to be twisting and turning their heads, they just want to see the car. Obviously try and make sure the car is as clean as possible. Then again, if it's something like a Land Rover or other off-road vehicle then mud might be acceptable :p. It's understandable I guess if the car you are photographing isn't yours. I swear I had a few more points, but don't take mine as gospel because I'm useless at photography. Lately I've seen more and more photographs of cars in multi-level car parks at night. This seems to work well because the lights in the car park create a nice ambience and also adds some nice reflections to the body work of the car and the car parks themselves (aside from the odd bit of graffiti) don't have many distractions. I'm sure other people will pick apart my tips and comment on how wrong I am :p ---- Photographs I took before and during my trip to London this weekend: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/London%202010/P1000856.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/London%202010/P1000876.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/London%202010/P1000882.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/London%202010/P1000883.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/London%202010/P1000890.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/London%202010/P1000893.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/London%202010/P1000903.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/London%202010/P1000904.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/London%202010/P1000897.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/London%202010/P1000885.jpg I was on a vehicle during most of the pictures. The vehicle shown in picture nine to be exact.
  23. My first thought was "Sweet!" then "Meh..", now I'm starting to wonder if they'll make the road network on Oahu more detailed as well as adding the dirt tracks. I'm personally not too bothered. I did off-roading in Test Drive Unlimited regardless of the fact that there were no off-roaders to use and there's only a few hills/mountainous areas I haven't been to the top of. Two in one game. Can't be bad. If you don't want to go to Oahu in Test Drive Unlimited 2 then you don't have to I guess. You're not forced to. Ahhh, now who's idea of a volcanic ash cloud in Test Drive Unlimited 2 seems stupid and unorthodox? :p You know you want it in the game ;)
  24. I saw it on a police chase program a few years ago and then people started disproving the theory that it was a super-natural experience and it's not such a popular clip now. It reminds me of the recent theory/video of a triangular space ship which was spotted in the smoke of the Iceland volcano eruption. Obviously a group of birds in formation.
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