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Everything posted by GTAMADDOG

  1. Doesn't matter what they do really, it'll still be (one of) the best programs on TV. Saying that I am a fan of The Call Centre at the moment, but everyone else finds it cringe-worthy or rubbish, each to their own. I probably like it as it's sort of like my job I suppose :p
  2. I don't have my own TeamSpeak server, but iLL said we could use his if we wanted to. I just think it might make the videos a bit more interesting by having a conversation between people on the server going rather than listen to me ramble on about any old rubbish :p Problem is I've got work being done in my house at the moment so it's pretty much a waste of time doing anything involving my mic until the work is all finished.
  3. Well this was Wednesday actually, but as I'm not online during the week I'll post it now. Car passed it's MOT. Advisories for slightly deteriorated front brake hoses which I'll check myself and tidy up if necessary this weekend, and the rear passenger-side tyre has slight cracking in it which I knew about anyway and the two back tyres are getting replaced in the next month or so anyway. My mum also came out of hospital Wednesday afternoon. My step-dad said they had to wait in the pharmacy from 1PM until 5PM, just for them to give my mum pretty basic over-the-counter stuff that you could get from a supermarket. Regardless of that, she's out of there and that's all that really matters. Now she's just got to rest up for 10 weeks or so, but she's through the worst of it all now. Bought a new Netgear router as well and that's all set up and running. Despite using the same plug as the old one it didn't want to access the internet so out of curiosity I connected up the new power plug and it worked straight away so that may have been the issue with the last one as well. However, the new one gives a slightly better upload speed and it looks like a nicer product so I've got something out of it anyway :p
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKopbr03kSE
  5. Hate how I say I can't think of anything to do one week and then the next week (now) I'm building a port and finishing off the minecart entrance at my second home. Puerto Del Maddog is almost open :p
  6. Went to see my mum for the first time since before her operation. She's already off the drips for food etc. and she's staying awake a lot more now, although we keep telling her she can go to sleep when she wants, even if we're there. She's even gone for a walk up and down the ward as well. Not bad considering she was still in a high dependency ward on Tuesday evening. Still tough seeing her as she is though as I've never seen her in a bad way before and she's always been so full of life, but it looks like she's through the worst of it now and she just needs to keep resting for a couple of months. I've been worried about her for the last few days, but now I've seen her and she's already bossing my step-dad around I'm a little more relaxed :p
  7. I did, but I don't really feel like recording any videos at the moment so you will have to wait for Reaper's reaction to it :p Truth be known I logged back on to the server after it told me I had ran out of memory and I could see through parts of the landscaped and see what was underneath so I caught a quick glimpse of what you're hiding in the volcano. I've always wanted to do a twisted tower though, even on single player, so I thought I might as well try it with my second house to see if I can make it look less boring.
  8. Had this afternoon off work for numerous reasons so I ended up on Minecraft. I'm going to turn my tower into a twisted tower with loads of lava and glass. I've got the first twist finished which wasn't anywhere near as complicated as I expected. I still don't know what I'm actually going to fill the place with besides empty rooms though. Maybe as the twisted section of the tower has quite a large empty room in it I might put another condenser in there at some point unless I can think of another way to fill the space.
  9. I managed to record a video and make Swiftwolf's Rending Gale in the process. I only wanted the video to be 5 minutes long this week, but it's about triple that. Flying around using the Rending Gale gives a cool new perspective to the server.
  10. Went with my mum to Frenchay hospital today to admit her before she has a difficult/long head operation (up to 8 hours) tomorrow morning. 14 days in hospital after if it all goes well, then she can go home, then up to a further 10-12 weeks off work doing as little as possible to recover properly. Pretty tough leaving her there is an understatement as I could see she was getting upset as I was leaving...
  11. I don't know if I'll do a video this weekend. I've got no motivation/ideas at the moment other than finishing an MFSU and my second house, so I've not really been on Minecraft this weekend. My mum is going into hospital today to have quite a complicated operation so I'll be there most of the day and maybe tomorrow as well. Saying that it is a bank holiday weekend this weekend so I may try and get a short video done at some point.
  12. I couldn't take that seriously if that's what it will look like. It honestly reminds me of the bottom part of my hoover :p That's my stupid input for this thread.
  13. I don't think the Netgear router was overheating. Whatever the problem is, it stops internet access through any medium, WiFi or cable makes no difference. This PC is connected straight into the back of the router by a cable, where-as my phone and iPad are obviously connected wirelessly, but literally no device can access the internet. All devices pick up the router, but there's no internet access. This is why I swapped to a different router as a test because I thought maybe something was up with the Netgear router, but this new one isn't much better.
  14. Having a complete nightmare with my internet connection at the moment. Not sure if it's the router(s) I've used or what. I've been using a NetGear router for several years, but lately it just seems to like dropping the internet connection when no devices in the house are using it. I've resolved this by simply doing the tech-support classic of switching it off and on again and that has worked, but since Wednesday this week that no longer works. My phone still picks up the router over wifi, the computer connects to the router by cable, but there's no internet access. I thought maybe the router was a bit worn out as it's turned on 365 days a year, so I swapped it with a brand new router which has shamefully been sat around in the garage doing nothing for a couple of years (Zoom X6). It's been a battle to get this thing to connect to the internet as well, obviously I'm online now, but I've been playing with the Zoom for almost a day now and it's only connected to the internet twice. The download/upload speeds are almost identical to what I had when the NetGear router was working. I've got a NetGear switch thing as well which I disconnected as a test and that had no effect. Swapped the old filter with a new one, no effect. It just seems completely random (and not in favour of connecting) when it actually gains internet access. Some networking person will probably read this and lol/call me an idiot, but I've only ever had to mess about with routers once which was when I first got the NetGear router and that was easy to set up the wireless and passwords and port forwarding so I'm not exactly an expert on it. Problem is the NetGear router won't even let me access it's router settings so I can have a look to see if there's anything untoward there.
  15. Only just started listening to this band, but I think I may need to buy this album to play in the car :p
  16. I know I want to buy two new tyres, but I can't decide if I want to have the same tyres all round or if I want to try something new. I noticed when looking at tyres online that I can now get Vredestein Sportrac 5's in my tyre size now and they seem to be really good from the reviews I've read, but then the Hankook Ventus V12 Evos I have on the front now have been great in everything apart from snow which was embarrassing (we don't get enough snow for me to care). The Vredesteins are about £15 more though. http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/hankook-ventus-v12-evo-49570_zps4bb8dc7d.jpg http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/Vredestein-Sportrac-5_zps4a455b4c.jpg Personally I still prefer the tread design of the V12s, but that's irrelevant when it comes to which tyre is better. The only Continental in my size is the Premium Contact 2, which is old-hat and I read is not very long-lasting. Michelin only does the Energy Saver in my size. Other than that we have; Falken, Firestone, Bridgestone (eco), Pirelli P1, Dunlop SP Fast Response, Yokohama C-Drive and Toyo T1R all of which I've read very mixed reviews about. Then I'm left with the real ditch-finders.
  17. Does anyone know why a lot of the blocks around mine and Adam's place seem to be turning to smooth stone? Dirt has even turned into smooth-stone which makes little sense. I personally think it looks ugly as it is and would sooner prefer cobble-stone and dirt/grass again. Aside from that I've upgraded the long bridge which crosses part of the lake/water by the town so it's a little safer and looks slightly more realistic than cobblestone hanging around in mid-air. I've also put some steps in along the pathway to my second house and finished the pathway off leading up to the rubber trees. Don't think I'll be doing any more until next weekend now as I've ran out of things to do for now. I'm not online enough to be part of the bigger projects so I'll stick to doing my own when I think of one to do.
  18. Awesome. I know if I could rewind time to just before we finished college I definitely wouldn't want to finish education, but people will always have different scenarios in life which may or may not make things change for the better. I got my sister's birthday presents sorted out. She wanted me to buy replacement number plates for her car as her current ones are a bit tatty, so I bought some off eBay from a seller that was recommended on another forum. Then I bought her a gift voucher for a shop I can't remember the name of, H&M.. Next.. I don't know. Also bought myself two El-Cheapo CDs from Amazon that I can listen to in the car. I also managed to clean inside the car, wash the outside and polish and wax it for the first time since before Christmas today so she's all shiny again.
  19. Went to look at the 330D I mentioned in the Good Day thread last weekend. Turned out to be (rather as per usual) not as good as it looked in the photos. A couple of defects on the rear bumper which would've annoyed me, don't know how you could reverse into something when your car has rear parking sensors anyway. Then I noticed all of the tyres were ditch-finders, alloy wheels looked scabby inside. Strike one. A dent in the front wing, odd defects on the bonnet and other areas of the car. Strike two. Then I noticed one of the rear arches had some corrosion bubbling up, not noticeable when looking at the car side-on, but down at wheel height it was easy to see. Strike three. A combination of all of those meant I didn't test drive it, I didn't look at the service history and to be honest I never even sat in the driver's seat. As far as I'm concerned, if a car like that has ditch-finders all round and so many of the other defects I mentioned then the previous owner probably didn't care for it too much and didn't want to spend money on it otherwise they would've put some decent tyres on it and got the dents and scratches sorted out. What else did they scrimp on as well. I know I'm looking at used cars at the end of the day, but that car had twice as many defects as the 306 on the exterior and it's five years newer. The search will continue, but for now the 306 is safe and I'll now be putting two more good tyres (doesn't need them, but I'm fed up of looking at the two miss-matched ones on the back) on that and sorting out a couple of other things ready for it's MOT soon.
  20. I started a new project. Only another boring building, but I've now got two to try and finish somehow. This once is going to be my factory, I'll probably move my energy condenser and cobblestone generator out from underground into the new building when it's finished a bit more. Still don't know what my half finished tower will have in it though.
  21. A 330D has come up locally (sort of) so I may have to go and have a look if it's still there next weekend. It's grey rather than the blue I was looking for, but it's the proper job 204BHP manual and comes with a new DMF and clutch which isn't to be sniffed at. Too much to do today unfortunately.
  22. Mostly because they're terribly boring :lol: It's obvious what everyone has built just by walking around the server yourself, I suppose I just keep the videos as a sort of progress log. If we ever get into building anything as a community and a few people on TeamSpeak then I'd do more videos of building taking place and the banter on TeamSpeak, but everyone is (as far as I'm aware) still doing their own thing at the moment, which is completely fine by me as I've not finished my own project yet :p
  23. My setup uses pneumatic tubes/pipes which are connected to a machine I forget the name of, but if you watch this video the guy tells you everything you need. As far as I'm aware redstone circuit won't work as you need something to actually transport the material that the block breakers collect and feed it all directly to the energy condenser. I basically followed what the guy did in that video in terms of layout, but for it to make any drastic difference you'll need to create loads of the generators.
  24. I'll be 22 a few days before this is released as well.. I still don't care :p
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