Can we all stop arguing and just all agree on something...
Hope the game is't like a Saturday night car meet in Aberdeen, where there is like 5 interesting cars and the rest are just Corsa's, Feistas and Golf's, lowered, cheap exhaust on and a few stickers added on? Oh and then some idiot in an LS400 turns up to attempt to drift with his V8 powered, slushbox limo? :lol: Attempted being the correct word.
Car culture is different everywhere! Thanks to the Internet we get to see all the top notch fancy builds everyone has, were somewhat spoilt. You just see the time attack cars that wont ever go near a track, the cars with body kits that are all all for show, etc that all cost a ton of money..but it's not the case of how it REALLY
See it for real in person and you'll see everything...the guys who just lower the car, there's the guys who make there own bits, The half done car that's okay but been a "work in progress for wayyy to long", The cheap E46 320i who says he's a "drifter" but has never actually drifted, there's the guys who have the wet dream of a Max Power magazine "oh-so-90's" body kit on there car and still think it's cool. You get the idea.
I mean, unless your "with" the current culture you can't really judge it. I would't say i am...but I attend enough meet's and such all over Scotland to have a rough idea of it that's not just gathered from the Internet.
Now Can we just hope the game is somewhat okay and stop arguing. :D