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Everything posted by mistermojo

  1. Mine: http://i403.photobucket.com/albums/pp117/mistermojo28/potw28.jpg
  2. From what I played of it it seemed unfinished and laughably bad at times. Bear in mind I only played the stupid animal minigames and drove a truck thing around for a bit. It's probably a very good game, lol.
  3. Agreed. Of course, it might just be a massive publicity stunt, but they were great already, they don't need any more publicity.
  4. I went for dream girl (If such a thing even exists), I'm really not too bothered about cars and probably won't be until I get one of my own. If a girl only liked me because of the car I had then they aren't the sort of girl I would be interested in.
  5. I used to buy OPS2 back before I got my PC, I don't really get magazines anymore though. I occasionally buy PCGaming if I see it around though.
  6. My original online name was "Maniac" but I thought that sounded kinda stupid so I used Mojo because my RL name is "Joe" and I like the word Mojo. Yes.
  7. Nice, I'd love to go to a few gigs sometime. The only one I can remember is going to see R.E.M, Ildewild and The Zutons at Cardiff a few years ago. That was good but I wasn't that 'into' music back then so I couldn't really appriecate it. Stereophonics are awesome, I randomly decided to get thier Decade in the Sun 'best of' album, never really bothered with them before, and I wasn't disappointed :thumbsup:
  8. Stereophonics - Superman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNbD-JlR3zw Nice heavy riffs, a sweet solo and quite a meaningful song in my opinion. There's a swearing (one word), so be warned if for some strange reason you have an issue with it
  9. :-x How dare you insult my beautiful girlfriend! (I'm joking just in case it gets taken seriously, you never know lol)
  10. Eh, she's alright but in all seriousness I'd much prefer my girlfriend. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm100/walter523/UglyGirl.jpg That's some hot stuff right there.
  11. Tried the 2nd test, 44/50, yays. Now all I need to do is actually drive a damn car.
  12. http://i403.photobucket.com/albums/pp117/mistermojo28/er44.jpg TF2 concept art edited in photoshop quite a bit. Yeah I'm pretty sad :lol:
  13. This is about the only interesting thing I've bought in a while. Converse star player(s). I didn't just get the one, as the picture suggests :lol:
  14. Ouch. I have Fallout 3, not installed at the moment. It has it's moments but the combat/movement is too clunky for my liking.
  15. 36/50, finally got it to work. Pretty poor for someone who's about to start driving ^^
  16. Compatibility mode ftw. I remember summat annoying on GTASA too, I got halfway through the Las Venturas missions and almost completed the game. I decided to make a new save for my brother, overwriting mine by accident :cry:
  17. Good times lol. The main thing about that which annoyed me was people's attitudes toward the clan. I didn't care that we did pretty badly, it was bareble. The bad attitudes were the main reason our clan messed up. Nothing comes to mind in my case, apart from being really annoyed at old console games. The later missions on DRIV3R are bloody impossible.
  18. Lol, I never play TDU either. Whoever said that needs a reality check. Or a girlfriend.
  19. I'd have a go but I keep getting "Server not found" I'd fail anyway, never attempted it before lol. I'm meant to be getting a driving lesson sorted for next week but I keep forgetting or being lazy.
  20. They probably got scared off after reading this thread and realising what perverts you all are :D
  21. Went down to collect my AS results today. Maths: M1 - 88/100 - A (Had to retake this, got a D the first time, can't quite believe it tbh) M2 - 88/100 - A D1 (Decision maths, you'll know how rubbish it is if you've ever done it) - 76/100 - B Overall A Applied ICT Unit 1 - 76/100 B Unit 2 - 95/100 A Unit 3 - 100/100 A Overall A Art and design national award 4 x pass 3 x merit Overall pass
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