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Everything posted by mistermojo

  1. Picked up this little beauty the other day, cost a bomb but I always think it's worth it if you can get the latest kit. I know you're probably thinking that it's way too small to use properly but you'd be surprised how easy-to-use it is, especially on the go. All my mates keep telling me it'll never catch on but whatever, they're probably just jealous.
  2. Can't remember if I've posted this but if so it deserves posting twice cos it's that good :p And something a bit different. If you want some really good post-rock-ambient-instrumental music for free (legally - just go to their site) you won't do much better than The American Dollar. Their music is great to chill out to :) It was hard to pick one song from their album to post but this is a good start, the way the music builds towards the end is awesome.
  3. A couple more very quick sketches from tutorials: http://i403.photobucket.com/albums/pp117/mistermojo28/001-3.jpg?t=1286399861 http://i403.photobucket.com/albums/pp117/mistermojo28/002-3.jpg?t=1286399861
  4. Some very quick, rubbish car sketches from life, basically what I found in the uni car park :P And a longer drawing (4 hours) from a reference photo: All done for the Vehicle Concept module of my course.
  5. This is what PhOTW is all about (aside from taking good photos obviously) Use your imagination peoples :)
  6. I'll enter this to bump the entries, hope it fits the theme (post-apocalyptic future :p) http://i403.photobucket.com/albums/pp117/mistermojo28/sotw.jpg?t=1284752257
  7. Wow, not only was that completely uncalled for, it's also completely irrelevant to this topic, which in case you hadn't noticed is about the 3000-odd people who died that day. At no point do I state my love of american 'culture', I am simply stating facts. I'm trying to give as fair of an opinion as I can on the matter. I'm in no way saying America has always been a fair country, which is far from the truth; as with most countries. I'm not always proud to be British but that's what I am. Stop making excuses for your own lack of maturity. The thread has been de-railed enough as it is so can we please get back on topic.
  8. It was a terrible tragedy, I also vaguely remember it being on the news when I got home from school. Me and my Mum were just sat there watching the report in complete silence, was shocking even at that age. I'm also glad the american pastor didn't go ahead with his Qur'an burning; two wrongs don't make a right, you have to preach religious tolerance instead of stooping to a rather pathetic level to get your point across. I can understand why families of the victims might find building the Islamic centre a rather insensitive decision but at the end of the day it's not being built on the exact site, and America is a country founded on religious and racial tolerance. R.I.P to all those who died.
  9. Pretty epic performance, as to be expected from them :) Been listening to this song quite a bit recently (yes, more Doves, but the song is brilliant :p) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-Y2M3fLJsc Right now I'm listening through the new Audio Secrecy album by Stone Sour. Fairly impressed so far :cool:
  10. Always been more into Free-running than Parkour but this guy seems to use a good mixture of both, stylish but without going over the top. I wish I had those kind of skills :/
  11. Guessing it means using things with a distinctive texture in the photo etc. To be honest it's more how you interpret the theme, as long as you can justify it I don't see why there should be an issue :) You'll have to wait for GTAMADDOG to come online and confirm that though :P
  12. Watched this yesterday, it's pretty pathetic. There are alot of people the world would be better off without, this excuse for a human being is one of them. Of course people do alot worse, but I think filming it and posting it online shows they must be proud of what they did.
  13. Epic song. As for me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFheSCZfAKs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1VrdrZnheM I'm sure I've posted these tracks before but Doves are simply brilliant, yet they're the most under-rated band in existance. They need all the publicity they can get :p The songs really strike a chord with me aswell :( (terrible pun not intended :p)
  14. Might aswell bump this thread. Recently been spending alot of time trying to sort out my old bike. It's not an expensive bike by a big name brand, nor does it have top-notch components but it's my bike :p Had it for years, I go out on it at least once a week and have done for ages so it was a bit under the weather and seeing as I'm thinking of joining the Mountain Bike club when I go to uni I thought it needed an overhaul. Stuff I've done/added: Replaced seat with a more comfortable, stronger one Replaced worn tyres with ATB tyres + new inner tubes Replaced plastic, broken brake levers with proper metal ones Replaced brake cables, the old ones were frayed Replaced handlebar grips with proper gel ones Un-buckled both wheels (don't ask, I used to do jumps in it :o) Added front and rear lights Fixed suspension (it was completely frozen) Adjusted front and rear brakes, front one was un-useable Taken off the tacky stickers Oiled everything (It's amazing how many problems can be fixed with oil) Removed the holder, magnet and sensor for my old cycle computer Tightened spokes Cleaned wheel rims and got the worst of the mud off The paint is still badly scratched in places (see photos) but overall it's alot better than it was. Some photos: http://i403.photobucket.com/albums/pp117/mistermojo28/019.jpg?t=1283093099 http://i403.photobucket.com/albums/pp117/mistermojo28/021.jpg?t=1283093099 http://i403.photobucket.com/albums/pp117/mistermojo28/020.jpg?t=1283093099 [mod edit:] Please do not post images larger than 350KB, use a thumbnail or a text link instead, thanks!
  15. Muse are awesome. I don't think I know anyone who dislikes them, even my Mum thinks they're good.
  16. Nah, just very very good buddies ;)
  17. Me at a recent gig/parteh thing last weekend: http://i403.photobucket.com/albums/pp117/mistermojo28/01782321082010.jpg?t=1282659317
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