well it all depends on what you like.
Midnight Club La :
Mcla is like tdu in a way but its more organised in the server area and you can customize your car which im sure you are awear of
Burnout Paridise :
Burnout is good to play it has alot of challenges off line for you to do and then if you decide to take it online there are 490 challenges to do with other players.
And Need For Speed Undercovered :
Nfs UC
Is pretty much Need for speed most wanted revamped and thats the only good thing i can say about that game..Oh the cops are a little better in this game.
but this is just a guidline i wouldent go out and buy what this has just said because its all down to the user.. But if you still cant decide on what to buy hire it from a video store or borrow it from your mate to make an ultimate descision..
thats my 2 cents for the day