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Everything posted by Jacob

  1. I no i just read rest of theard *face palm*
  2. Bye Baldy kinda sad to see you go, since you have been here a Long time.
  3. I Gots the same size feet as you. its that stupid bar on the pedals
  4. Erm first thought was a DB4 Zagoto but then i faceplamed because the smile could never be a aston -.-
  5. Nice Pictures, Their Better then mine lol.
  6. Welcome To TDU-C. Beware of The Flyong Chipmunks, They drop on your head and pull out your eyebrows.
  7. There isnt anything wrong with it. It just sucks.
  8. Go Use the wheel at someones house theres no where to put your feet on the pedals unless u got both in the pedals half pushing the brake unless u have a coffee table up to your stomach you cant use it and my clamp broke taking it out of the box. its terrible.
  9. Whats a Good wheel for xbox 360. I have a MS wheel and i hate it, so im think about a new one. any ideas?
  10. I Has The Same Problem but i gots my own thread. Probally do a Licence Transfer
  11. I Will get my learners because of this car. Kerwoot i can because im 14!
  12. It was a really steep hill so u gain alot of speed going down
  13. *Wets Self* Well their goes the title. I WANT THIS CAR! I NEED THID CAR! I SHALL HAVE THIS CAR! *Looks for Order forums* Damn it where did they go!
  14. I've Also Seen a 360 Sipder, And not to make u feel worse a Lp-640 and a Lp-560-4 last week at a auto show (They Really need a smug smiley) Back on Topic I Was a new BWM 325i and my LA Teacher Owns a E240
  15. I Totally 10000000% Agree with you! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And a Ferrari Pickup Truck i would pay to see that. What Would it be, The Front of an Enzo and the back of a RAM! Lol.
  16. Keep it in your pants Beem3r :p , Anyway Those Cars esspially the 350z are annoying when your !PARENTS! are in the room with u and one of those cars pop up.
  17. Welcome to Tdu-c I Playith the Drums So It Time it make a Band Woot!
  18. *Starts Drooling* I So Want that on this car the wheels on it now are kinda like that only much plain This is Almost Exact to what we have just no Chrome. Go to second picture http://www.autumnbridge.com/resedabear/wordpress/?m=200807
  19. I Know What u mean we had a 06 mustang ,The V6 -.- as usaully ,and it had some punch in it, and it was a heavy car because of the covertible roof.
  20. Thanks Redvette Ill try that. srry i havent posted earlier comp is messed, Im Actually about to pitch it out the window right now EDIT: Did the Transfer and still wont work.or i did it wrong. what i think happened was when before i had XBL on my main account i actedently made a new one and bought the car packs for that because on TDU what u download on one profile goes on the other. and then when i got XBL I bought the same ones agian on that account but missed one so thats what i think happened just need more ponits to buy it. Then i think im good.
  21. Sweet Ski's. I Suck At Sking were doing Sking in Gym I Fell At About 20 km/h down a hill and did a barrol roll...It Hurt.
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