Thanks for the clarification.
I foresee in the weeks and months ahead a resurgence in interest in TDU1 offlline and the need to tailor ones game to their own preferences. If a user server patch is developed, then TDU1 will be with us for a long time to come. If not, then we can fiddle with the off-lineversion of the game to our heart's content forever.
Look at Microsoft's Flight Simulator X. They discontinued the game in 2009 and the amount of DLC for it from 3rd party developers has only increased since then. This is partly because the game itself is easily obtainable and with our newer, faster computers, it actually runs better than ever. My paypal account has been very busy lately as I add mods to FSX and increase my disk space to accomodate the massive photo-scenery files that are being produced. On the other hand, Microsoft just laid off most of it's people at the Flight! studios here in Vancouver. Flight! was supposed to replace FSX but they went the same way as so many developers are doing, dumbing down the game to reach what they think is an expanded market and trying to charge for DLC. It didn't work for Flight! and it sure didn't work for TDU2.
What they haven't seemed to grasp is that if they have a good game concept that encourages people to invest time and money into, producing dumbed down, disposable versions of the game (like TDU2) doesn't reach the people they need to sustain it. The recent trend towards cheap mobile apps and facebook kids and housewives that are playing them will move on to other things once the novelty wears off.