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Everything posted by Sponge

  1. You mean youtube previews? Update your flash, or if you mean you have a white box, then you need the code after the = sign. IE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClTeJRzb8kk gets put down to the code (ClTeJRzb8kk) Place that in Tube tags, like so: [tube ]ClTeJRzb8kk[/ tube] (without the spaces) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClTeJRzb8kk
  2. haha. That's actually quite hilarious. Reminds me of the "How not to play Hitman" videos by "NotBowen" "Argh, you shoot him in the back of the face..... Back of the face?? Whatever..."
  3. Goodbye, slow cruises down the motorway...
  4. Sucks when that happens. I used to make myself "Ill" (putting it in the least grotesque way possible) and then got sent home :D Loved being able to do that.
  5. Maybe it's had 300* of rotation to turn the wheels?
  6. Try deleting your Radial.cdb file (click here for the tool) Or an alternate tool: HERE
  7. Happy Smurfday, Diablozilla. Hope your fairy bought you something nice!
  8. *Begins to foam at the mouth* Jazzi better not be on my computer when I get home from work in... an hour and a half!
  9. While I agree that Atari/Eden need to stress test the server more, I don't think keys should just be given out... I mean I'm not terribly arsed whether things get leaked or not, that's not my problem. It's just the fact that some WILL base whether they purchase the full game or not on the beta. That's what annoys me
  10. The only cars you unlock are the concept cars and the Alfa 8c/Mustang GTR. (From memory) You need to do certain races to get them.
  11. Try giving the servers time to update (Usually around a minute of cruising on your own) Once you're put into a server, then try and teleport to your friend (Or if he's not online, pick someone at random)
  12. Please take a look at the date of the last post. However, the video is on topic and relevant to the thread, so I'll let you off ;)
  13. Only the usual M3 and XK. Although On the way to the Hoylake store this afternoon, There was a rather nice silver XK
  14. It's all about what the end user wants. Bit more performance for a bit more money, or rather the fact that Intel are a bigger name than AMD (Because of the Advertisments) Intel have more business links with other companies, and that's why they're so mainstream. AMD are just getting into pre-build desktops now. On my voyage around PC world on saturday, there were loads of Intel desktops, and only a single AMD desktop (Which was in a rather gorgeous case, I might add) AMD are cheaper, Intel are more known and can therefore charge that little bit more.
  15. plate.2db and plate_ws.2db. Both in the CommonCar.bnk file. (Bnk\Vehicules\)
  16. Best I could do with a warm shop and freezing outside :p http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g226/metal_man_409e/DSCF0149.jpg
  17. Delete the radial.cdb file (Click here for the tool)
  18. On the way to work this morning, I saw my 2nd White Aston Martin V12 Vantage. And a Jaguar XK, which is always parked in the driveway. EDIT: Oh, and the usual E46 M3 that's parked near my house.
  19. I sense a Certain Scott is going to enjoy this one!
  20. There was a Silver Spec V as well, but I wasn't quick enough to capture that. I've got a Jag XFR on camera, but it's an awful photograph.
  21. Yesterday just as I was getting on the bike to go home from work: http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g226/metal_man_409e/Photo0098.jpg
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