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Everything posted by StrickenHAWK?

  1. i think the gamespy servers are going kaput, this is happening TOO much lately.
  2. thats no good. yesterday i saw a post of yours, and thought to myself, ahh, he must have gone to the army. i thought you were suppost to go in January?
  3. ok, so i wanted to go back to XP, which was on my old hard drive, becuase i bought Diablo 2, and its not running properly on Windows 7. now im running Windows 7 right now, and i can access the hard drive with XP on just like any other hard drive partition, or other hard drive. Windows 7 is on a partitioned 500 GB seagate. the XP one is on a seperate, non partitioned 80 GB seagate. so i thought, this will be so easy. so i got the hard drive with XP on out, and the partitioned 500 GB one with W7 on out, and took the jumper off the 500 GB partitioned hard drive, and put it on the hard drive with XP on. thought this would all be great, and work straight off like a charm. instead, it came up with an error saying: cannot find a Master I.D.E. hard drive, or something similar to that. so i just pressed a button (esc or enter, something like that) and it took me to another screen, which told me to stick the windows disk into the cd drive, and reboot. i stuck the XP disk in, rebooted, and it said the exact same thing. so i restarted the pc, pressed delete at the motherboard splash screen, and the screen just went black, with a no signal input message. then it just restarted. when the splash screen came up again, i pressed delete, and it just restarted again. so, i just had to resort back to windows 7 again. But, what i am posting to ask about is, why is this happening, and what do i do to fix it? my PC specs: ASUS P5E motherboard Intel E8400 Processor EN9600GT ASUS Nvidia 1gb Video Card 2 GB kingston ram i hope you can help guys, thanks in advance. Knuckles.
  4. somebody can have my spot, my club has taken off, i idnt know it would pan out like that. sorry.
  5. welcome to TDU-C. you MUST get tdu for PC!! thats if your pc will run it.
  6. yeah i know its an old topic, i was just trying to revive the idea...oh i see what you are talking about cakieboy.
  7. "i dont have any fast cars, really!" whats the koingsegg doing in there then :D welcome to TDU-C. enjoy your stay. ask safiro for a cookie.
  8. welcome to TDU-C. special text hehe! safiro is the cookie monster, he will most likely give you a cookie or two.
  9. oooooooooooooooold thread dudes, the guy isnt even active any more.
  10. i think it was just before you went off to schoolie.
  11. 142. people that use orange text, just to be annoying.
  12. they are away from all the fans and cards and all that
  13. can wait for winter. EPIC 20 degrees'!
  14. see i dont know why it is getting as hot as it is, when it has all thouse cooling things, eg, the brown thing middle - left.
  15. well balto, it is kinda true..i mean look at that post.
  16. sorry about the frame on it, it was the best one i could get!http://i711.photobucket.com/albums/ww112/TicTac_08/P1010299-1.jpg
  17. this is it: http://i711.photobucket.com/albums/ww112/TicTac_08/P1010507.jpg
  18. do you mean food when you say nom nom?

    1. probably not.. if its going fine where it is now, i dont see why it wouldnt work turned around..
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