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  1. What about Puerto Rico? It's a bit poor, but I think it would be a good size tropical island with elevation and a good road system. Edit: The more I look at Puerto Rico the more I think it would be a perfect island for TDU
  2. @brSiRiuS "We will be opening a full suggestion channel soon for all feedback that we will send to the dev team" - LaughingFox, Discord Moderator
  3. Still have mine. Had it signed by Ken Block. Haven't used it in forever though. Need to take it apart and try to fix it. It's not getting any power.
  4. I have no idea. I'm looking at it right now and I would assume it's the 'tdu-sc' channel. The discord is a mess. I browsed through some of the tdu-sc channel and it's way off topic. Got a few people in there making suggestions though... Suggestions like having pets in your home Think the best way to do it would be to pm the mod or a dev.
  5. Apparently they are taking feedback right now. Discord.gg/testdrive
  6. Since my key had quit working a long time ago and with Project Paradise I'm wanting to buy TDU1 for PC for the fourth time. However I can't find the game sold any cheaper than 20 USD and that's for the physical. I'd prefer digital. Anyone know where I can buy the game?
  7. A lot of people including myself have problems with the used dealer not showing the 300c police spec. Could you possibly move the police spec to a different dealer? I've only worked a little with modding TDU2 so sorry if that's an insane request, I wouldn't know. Right now I've been using a body swap to be able to use the police spec.
  8. Nevermind. It seems I managed to get him to understand. +1 unofficial patch user! :)
  9. I've got a guy commenting on one of my videos saying he is trying to install the unofficial patch but is having trouble. I try to help but he doesn't understand english very well. Does anyone here speak Turk and would be willing to help him?
  10. :( I was going to make more videos of the patch but my stepbrother managed to infest my computer with adware. My computer is now running really slow and I can't record video. My PC was almost due for a reformat anyways so I'm going to wipe everything now. Be a while before I can get back to making the videos.
  11. Thank you all for the great work that's been done! :thumbsup:
  12. Does anyone know where the files located for the voices of the annoying people that you give rides to?
  13. YAY! :excited:
  14. Ah, ok. :(
  15. I was looking through the mods section for TDU2 and it seems some mods threads that were there just a moment ago have left. Or is it just me? For example, spring environment, fall environment and more rain.
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