I was going to inbox Ryzza but his inbox is full! Get your spring cleaning done early mate! :lol:
If there was enough interest from this I figure we could sort a sub forum like we use to have for TDU.
So yes, anyone want to sort having a little group cruise like the old days? I understand the game is flawed but the basic principles from TDU are mostly there! (Obviously).
Lots of options for what we could do, I'm sure Ozz or Ryzza could fill those of you in who didn't see what we used to do!
Even if we just do one test cruise to see if it works well or not.
We could pick some random points to drive to and do a mystery gps type thing perhaps? (Each person picks their own gps point to drive to, then we take it in turns to drive to the nearest place starting from our original meeting point. We can either do "Road rules" and drive at the speed limit(ish) or just go as fast as possible and wait for the rest to catch up.
Probably a good idea to set a limit to the cars used, I was going to base it on level but might be easier at first to just limit it to street/dirt cars first.
Please post your interest below :) If enough people want in we'll organise a time and day then start a new thread!
Oh and if this has been covered already feel free to shoot me down :nuts: